On 26/09/12 17:07 -0700, oscar_alvarez wrote:
> First, Add the ".ods" extension to setup.py in package_data for all 
> modules, the ".ods" file is a bit more flexibility for later work it for 
> the final users, because let it more options for data processing in LO 
> (statistics, 
> filters, functions, graphics, etc)

I don't get you. Why including file that doesn't exist?

> Second, When tryton generates the report for ".ods" extension, the fields 
> Numeric, Float, Integers are processed like String fields inside the 
> template, so this to do hard work the new render file, because, we can't to 
> realize computes about the data because are strings not numbers.

I think it is a relatorio issue.

Cédric Krier

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Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
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