Cédric Krier schrieb:
> On 08/06/10 11:43 +0200, rpesc...@peschke-it.de wrote:
>> Cédric Krier schrieb:
>>> On 08/06/10 11:16 +0200, rpesc...@peschke-it.de wrote:
>>>> Cédric Krier schrieb:
>>>>> On 08/06/10 09:56 +0200, rpesc...@peschke-it.de wrote:
>>>>>> Cédric Krier schrieb:
>>>>>>> On 08/06/10 08:48 +0200, rpesc...@peschke-it.de wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I'm using tryton as a CalDav-backend for shared thunderbird/lightning
>>>>>>>> calendars. The timezones of the calendar-owner in Tryton and the
>>>>>>>> timezone in the lightning-preferences are all set on Europe/Berlin.
>>>>>>>> Editing an event in lightning and setting the time on, lets say, 9
>>>>>>>> o'clock results in immediately showing this event scheduled for 10 
>>>>>>>> o'clock.
>>>>>>>> Looking at this event in Tryton also shows 10 o'clock.
>>>>>>>> If I want to put this event at 9 o'clock is to edit it in Tryton or to
>>>>>>>> discount one hour in the thunderbird-GUI.
>>>>>>> What is the timezone of the server?
>>>>>>> Could give an url to the dump of the communication between lightning and
>>>>>>> Tryton?
>>>>>> The timezone of the server has been UTC. Now I moved the timezone of the
>>>>>> server to CEST, but nothing changed, even after restart of all machines.
>>>>>> Sorry, I don't know how to dump the communication between lightning and
>>>>>> tryton. Could you give me a hint, please
>>>>> tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w <some-file>
>>>> link to the (partial) dump: http://pastebin.de/7260
>>> The timezone definition created by vobject seems to be wrong.
>>> Which version of vobject have you?
>> python-vobject 0.8.1c-3 on tryton-server
> So it is perhaps pytz.
> But in the timezone definition generated for the event by the server says that
> there is only +0100 for the Europe/Berlin but it should be +0200.
> I tried here with vobject-0.8.1b and pytz-2010b and I got +0200.
my version of python-tz 2010b-1, tzdata 2010i-1

yes, the difference between UTC and CEST is 2 hours.
What has to be stored in database? In column dtstart/table
calendar_event there is stored 10 o'clock for the event originally set
to 9 o'clock. On retrieval the start-time of this event is shown as 10
o'clock without any modification.

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