> > This is the average of the remaining product of the fifo stack. 
> Oops, no it is the next cost price out of the fifo stack. 
Thanks for an answer.

I did some more tests with incoming and outgoing moves:

cost price method = fifo

Supplier Shipment                            Account move
                 Quantity  Price           Debit   Credit
Product_1        5.00       5.00           25.00    25.00
Product_1        5.00      10.00           50.00    50.00

Customer Shipment                            Account move
                 Quantity  Price           Debit   Credit
Product_1        7.00       fifo           45.00    45.00
                                             +----- 5*5+2*10 - OK

stock moves - ok
account moves - ok
but on Product form you can see:
Cost Price  3.75     <-   this is neither average price (7.5 in this case)
                                   nor the one of fifo prices (5 or 10)
How this value is calculated ?


By the way
There is also a functional field cost_value in stock module which is also 
working with fifo cost pricing method.
You can see cost_value on Inventory & Stock->Locations, dbl click on 
an there is a report Products by locations.

There is:

Product Template    Quantity   Cost Value
Product_1               3.00        11.25

while there should be:

Product Template    Quantity   Cost Value
Product_1               3.00        30.00

I see that function stock.location.get_cost_value() does simple
calculation product.cost_price  * location.quantity,
while it could use function product.template.get_fifo_move()
from module product_cost_fifo.


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