Hello Sharoon,

Here is a copy of the config without the sensitive info:


# Database related settings
# The URI to connect to the SQL database (following RFC-3986)

uri = db://user:pwd@localhost:port/
#uri = postgresql://tryton:tryton@/
#uri = postgresql://tryton:tryton@localhost:5432/
path = path
list = True
retry = 8
language = en_US
# The path to the private key
#privatekey = key
# The path to the certificate
#certificate = key
listen = ip:port
# The hostname for this interface
hostname = hostname
# The root path to retrieve data for GET requests
data = jsondata
# Settings for the XML-RPC network interface
# The IP/host and port number of the interface
listen = ip:port
# Settings for the WebDAV network interface
listen = ip:port
timeout = 8000
super_pwd = pwd
# Mail settings
# Available protocols are:
# - smtp: simple SMTP
# - smtp+tls: SMTP with STARTTLS
# - smtps: SMTP with SSL
uri = smtp://localhost:25
# The From address used by the Tryton Server to send emails.
#from = none@localhost
#unoconv = pipe,name=trytond;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext

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