My mistake, I was attempting to install sao as root. There are many docs that 
say not to. So I ran npm install --production as a non-root user, and sao 
installed without errors.

@Cedric; I installed the patch you suggested, and now I do not get redirected 
back to /index.html. But /tryton is still not working. When configure apache 
like this:

ProxyPass /tryton
ProxyPassReverse /tryton

I can access and there are no errors, but there is no 
javascript and no css. I cannot log in. There is no select db field.

When configure apache like this:

ProxyPass /

I can access and I get the Tryton javascript forms to log in. I 
select the db, log in, and navigate around Tryton. It is GREAT! So with the 
patch applied, Tryton works great when it's root is "/".

It seems the patch prevents a redirect to /index.html, but does not serve the 
static files when Tryton/SAO web root is a subdirectory.

I am happy to try any new or different patches to make this work. I can be your 
laboratory :)

Many thanks!

Many thanks,

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