
I saw an example where some values are passed using field names 'context'
and 'domain' as:

<record model="ir.action.act_window" id="act_medicament_by_category">

        <field name="name">Medicament by Category</field>

        <field name="res_model">gnuhealth.medicament</field>

        <field name="context" eval="{'categories':
[Eval('active_id')]}" pyson="1"/>

        <field name="domain"  eval="[('category', 'child_of',
[Eval('active_id')], 'parent')]"


Clearly, value for 'categories' is passed.

I want to achieve the same for my wizard but it failed:

<record model="ir.action.wizard" id="patient_proc_test_request">
            <field name="name">Request Procedure</field>
            <field name="wiz_name">anth.patient.proc.test.request</field>

*<field name="context" eval="{'day_care_test_only': True}" pyson="1"/>*

</record> <record model="ir.action.keyword"
id="act_open_patient_proc_request_form_keyword1"> <field
name="keyword">form_action</field> <field
name="model">gnuhealth.patient,-1</field> <field name="action"
ref="patient_proc_test_request"/> </record> Here I am trying to pass a
Boolean value for a field 'day_care_test' to be true. This field will be
shown on the startup form of wizard and I want it sometimes checked and
sometimes unchecked by default.

It is not working and throwing keyError. Any ideas on how to set
default values for wizard from xml file?



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