El 11/04/18 a les 13:21, Javier Uribe ha escrit:
> I have a wizard to modify data from a model (pretty similar to 
> http://hg.tryton.org/modules/sale/file/default/sale.py#l1861)
> so we have a method default_start:
>  def default_start(self, fields):
>         batch = self.get_batch()
>         defaults = {}
>         for fieldname in fields:
>             value = getattr(batch, fieldname)
>             if isinstance(value, Model):
>                 if getattr(batch.__class__, fieldname)._type == 'reference':
>                     value = str(value)
>                 else:
>                     value = value.id
>             elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
>                 value = [r.id for r in value]
>             defaults[fieldname] = value
>         defaults['state'] = 'draft'
>         return defaults
> On write method I check that the batch is on draft state so it should fail 
> but 
> as I put the state to 'draft' on the default_start method now I can write 
> without any problem. That is to say, I have mimiced a draft mode so I can 
> modify the model using the write method. And so it happens and it works using 
> Tryton client.
> Now if I do this on proteus:
>     >>> edit_batch = Wizard('agro.farm.batch.edit', [batch])
>     >>> edit_batch.execute('modify')
> The test fails because of domain (the check I said I had on the write 
> method). So it is like the draft is not considered on proteus or something 
> weird happens
Could you please clarify which tests fails and which error are you
having? It will be great to have the error traceback for more information.

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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