On Sat, Oct 20, 2001 at 02:23:04AM -0500, Sean Foy wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to test a bzImage to ensure that it is
> valid/complete/bootable without actually restarting my Linux computer?  I
> guess VMWare could work but surely there's a simpler way?
> I finally dragged a monitor over to my Linux machine, and got it booted back
> to 2.2.  Then, I compiled 2.4.12... but I've been burned 3 times by
> "uncompressing Linux...  ran out of input data" and I don't want that to
> happen again if I can avoid it.  If I make 2.4.12 my default kernel, and it
> halts the system again, I will have to move my monitor back to get the
> system up again.  I'd like a way to test 2.4.12's bzImage that can be done
> using SSH or VNC, and that will not force me to be at the console if things
> don't work out.
> Thanks,
> Sean

There is a option to lilo to only change the loader for the next
iteration.  You can tell it to "load 2.4.12 next time, but switch
back to my old setting after that".  If there is a lock-up, then
you only need to hit the reset button/power-cycle to have your
old working setup.

I don't remember the option, but you should be able to find it in



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