Benjamin Story wrote:
>Our shop is 99.999% COBOL and RPG(no not D&D).  One thing that irks me
>about this fact is that the programs running on the AS/400 are
>generally buggier than even Microsoft code because (no offense to the
>older programmers on this list), most of the COBOL coders are set in
>the mindset of how programming was done 20 years ago.  Error handling?
>Oh you mean having a 24/7 computer operator to tell the program to
>ignore bad data when it crashes because of it.  A good modern
>programmer with COBOL knowledge can be pretty well set in the job
>market right now.

Yes, this is a large part of the problem.  A lot of the people around 
me seem to have contempt for the idea that maybe, just maybe, 
programming practices have made some advances in the past 30 years.  
Whenever I try to calmly talk about something like object-oriented 
programming, they run away screaming about how much faster the 
"mainframe" is.  When I try to ask what they mean by that, they scurry 
for their cubicles and give me dirty looks.  It's pretty discouraging.

Don't even get me started on COTS packages . . .

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