On Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 9:17:27 AM UTC-7, mar...@gmail.com wrote:
> What compiler/debugger are you using? I tried this out with gcc & gdb 
> (compiling with -g), and the embedded paths and source files work 
> whether you're compiling from a common root, or compiling each file in 
> the directory where it resides. For example, if I have a project at 
> /home/marf/proj, and compile subdir/foo.c from the top-level, I'll see 
> the following strings in the final binary: 
> /home/marf/proj 
> subdir/foo.c 
> And if I compile it in the subdirectory, I'll see the following strings: 
> /home/marf/proj/subdir 
> foo.c 

Come to think of it, you're absolutely right.  I was incorrect.  I'm always 
having to use pathmap (it's like "directory" in gdb, but for dbx)  when 
debugging released builds.

> I'm a fan of using a single top-level include as well instead of 
> adding little local includes like this. However, I think this is 
> independent of whether or not you are compiling with a common root. In 
> both cases, doing a #include "../lib/whatever.h" compiles just fine, 
> so if you want to discourage that you'll probably have to do it 
> through social means (ie: code reviews, standards, etc).

You're right, I realized about a day after posting that *#include 
"../lib/whatever.h"* was a BS example.  The *-I../lib* example still makes 
sense though.

> Also in both cases, you can add the top-level -I flag using 
-I$(TUP_CWD) in tup. If you're using the common-root approach, add 
> -I$(TUP_CWD) (or just -I. ) to your single top-level Tupfile. If 
> you're using the one-Tupfile-per-directory approach, add -I$(TUP_CWD) 
> to your top-level Tuprules.tup file, and include_rules in each of the 
> per-directory Tupfiles. Then you can #include "subdir/lib/whatever.h" 
> no matter where you are in the tree. 

I think I'm going to have to settle for putting in something like:

git_top_dir = $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
git_relative_path = $(git rev-parse --show-prefix)

cc = |> cd $(git_top_dir) && gcc $(git_relative_path)/%f -c -o %o |>
CC = |> cd $(git_top_dir) && g++ $(git_relative_path)/%f -c -o %o |>

> > * warnings/errors in build logs will always have partially qualified 
> paths 
> I agree this is a little easier with the top-level approach, though 
> you do get the directory displayed as part of the command header in 
> tup, so the information is still available even if it is a little less 
> accessible.

Unfortunately this is one feature I don't want to live without.  I'm 
actively refactoring a lot of stuff and I find myself doing stuff like this 
quite a bit:

* Find warnings with [-Wunused-variable]
* Extract src file, line number, variable name
* If it's either un-initialized or initialized without calling a function, 
just delete it
* Examine the rest by hand.

... but to get that level of functionality I'm also using bash to re-direct 
all shell output to a logfile & enabling bash's *-x* option so I can get 
all commands executed along with the output of each command.

> IMO it's worth experimenting with the Tupfile-per-directory approach 
(or using a Tupdefault file if all your Tupfiles end up being 
> identical), but if your compiler/debugger don't work with that then I 
> think any of the other approaches suggested in this thread could work. 
> It could be made even simpler if we supported adding normal files to 
> groups (along with foreach), but that doesn't work yet. 

I think I'm going to end up using multiple tupfiles & just switch 
directories for each compilation.  I'm still unsure how to proceed on a lot 
of things because I don't know how to do a lot of things.  For example, 
something that's very simple in make:

cflags.gtk+-2.0 := $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0)
libs.gtk+-2.0 := $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0)

... I'm not sure [yet] how to get the same effect in tup (cached results 
from executing a given command only once).

> The main downside to the common-root approach is the incremental 
> parsing time. For example, adding a new source file would require 
> re-parsing all 5000 rules with a common root, but only tens or 
> hundreds (depending on the size of your directory), if you use a 
> Tupfile-per-directory. If re-parsing all 5000 rules is fast enough for 
> you, then you probably won't care :). Maybe you'd run into trouble 
> trying to do custom compiler flags though? Adding a -D flag to a 
> single directory or whatever might be more difficult with the 
> common-root approach. Perhaps you already have a solution for that 
> though, or prefer not to do such things. 

This was a concern for me as well, and is why I'm probably going to go with 
distributed even though I have to make it switch directories to compile.

Thanks for your response, I really appreciate it.


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