on 4/25/00 9:43 AM, George Pipkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I did exactly this - I downloaded jsdk2.0 and I put it ahead of
> servlet.jar in my tomcat.sh where it establishes the classpaths.  After
> that, no servlets ran at all - I get a null pointer exception.  So then I
> put it after servlet.jar, and I'm back to the infinate redirection
> exception.  Is there something I'm missing ?
> - George Pipkin

if you are using tomcat, you shouldn't download ANY servlet.jar's or jsdk
2.0....or have them in your classpath.

tomcat is a servlet engine that implements the latest jsdk. it comes with
its own copy of the interfaces that are needed for the jsdk. you don't need
to download them from sun.

our previous instructions were for Apache JServ which we assumed you were
using because (i personally) didn't see you post messages about your
configuration. in the future, you should post clear messages about
configuration and version information so that we don't go into circles like
that again.

you *should* make sure that you are using the latest version of tomcat
though which is 3.1.


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