Excellent work,

> * You no longer need to register_static_directories for JS and
> CSSLinks. These are registered automatically when Links are initialized
> so that's less bolier-plate for you. The syntax is also friendlier and
> takes care of finding the full path for resources for you:
> JSLink(modname='turbogears', filename='static/js/MochiKit.js')
> will automatically link to the mochikit TG 1.0 bundles (uses
> pkg_resources.resource_filename internally)

I'd like to see this patch http://trac.turbogears.org/ticket/1257, or
something like it applied.

I thought of futzing around with some extra complexity that would
allow CSSLink(modname=Requirement.parse("site >= 1.2"),
'static/site.css') to be relative to the top level package name (same
as existing modname behaviour) and
CSSLink(modname=Requirement.parse("site >= 1.2"), '/static/site.css')
to be the 'egg-root' relative one.

But in the end this didn't seem worth the pain, 'egg-root' is what I
want, and resource_accessor(Requirement.parse('proj >= M.m'), '')
always gives you the path to the directory (or zipfile) that contains
the .egg-info dir.


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