On Apr 5, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Max Ischenko wrote:

> Hello,
> I wonder why this test fails:
> def test_options():
>     w = MultipleSelectField(options="Group1 Group2 Group3".split())
>     eq_(['Group3', 'Group1'], w.validate(['Group3', 'Group1']))
>     print w.validate(['GroupX'])
>     assert 0, "formencode.Invalid not raised"
> I was assuming that the select widget will only accept options that  
> are in the options list. No?

This is a tricky case. For that test to pass a OneOf valiadator is  
needed, however, that would break the callable support for the  
"options" parameter since the validator is fixed at construction  
time. I can think of 2 ways to solve it:

1) avoid using a callable for "options" and pass a OneOf validator  
2) Use a hidden field to store view state and make validators aware  
of it to validate accordingly.

2 is probably the best option in the long-run but the hardest to  
design/implement. It would also allow disabling fields dynamically  
which is now not possible for required fields since validation would  



P.S: Cross-posting to toscawidgets-discuss

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