Kevin Horn wrote:
> I've been away for a few days, so I'm a bit behind, but here goes:
> WebOb:
> Great!  Sorry to hear you had trouble, Alberto.  Hope it works better 
> next time.
> Aliasing:
> Johnathan's totally sold me on the aliasing too (I was iffy before).  I 
> think documentation should prevent confusion, and I don't think cruft 
> will be too much of an issue.
> Keeping everything in the tg namespace should also prevent problems 
> similar to ones I had when starting out with TG...i.e. I kept forgetting 
> to look in th cherrypy namespace!

In a very short-lived framework that I wrote at one time, I imported 
everything locally, and nothing from the framework ever got used except 
in code generated with paster create.

I don't know if that would work that well with TG, but it is a way of 
identifying the most important objects, and giving the application a 
chance to customize those objects.  It's kind of what Pylons does with 
BaseController and helpers, but was just a bit more complete.

> Identity/AuthKit:
> I've been reading over some of the AuthKit stuff, and I have to say, I 
> was expecting to be more impressed.  It seems that it's pretty complex 
> for what you get, and it seems more limited than TG1 identity.  
> Especially disappointing was the lack of TG1-style "permissions".  What 
> AuthKit calls permissions equate to the "conditions" in TG1 identity.  I 
> suppose you could use AuthKit's "roles" to serve this purpose, but then 
> you have another problem, which is that in AuthKit, a user can only 
> exist in one "group" at a time.  For any situation where you might want 
> multiple groups for a user, you could use roles, but then you've lost 
> your "permissions" again. 
> What I really want (and the way I usually structure authorization for 
> projects) is to pretty much only use the "has permission" condition, and 
> then assign permissions to users/groups as needed.  This keeps me from 
> having to touch my source code every time I decide to add a new group or 
> user type.  It looks like this would be (barely) possible with AuthKit, 
> but it would hackish and ugly.
> Also, the AuthKit docs are a mess (at least last week, haven't checked 
> today).  The original docs have disappeared and the book chapters are 
> unfinished.
> So the we:
> 1) use AuthKit (wrap it or whatever), even though it has problems
> 2) write some kind of really extensive wrapper around AuthKit, that 
> makes it look completely different
> 3) create something from scratch

Ben mentioned some interest in 3, especially since WebOb makes 
middleware much easier to implement.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

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