On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting troubles using TW in TG11 as widgets. Funnily enough I made
> it work at work - but here on my notebook, it fails. The reason is
> simple: ToscaWidgets registers a template lookup-thingy that doesn't get
> passed the directories to search.
> Thus the lookup fails.
> Apart from installing tw & twForms and freshly creating a TG11-project,
> I've put this into my controller:
> from toscawidgets.api import Widget
> class MakoWidget(Widget):
>     params = ['count']
>     template = "toscawidgettest.templates.mako_widget"
>     engine_name = "mako"
> mako_widget = MakoWidget(count=100)
> Trying this to render gives me
> http://paste.turbogears.org/paste/2726
> as an exception.
> Any suggestions?
I had a simular problem when I tested TW with plain pylons. The
problem is that TW tries to emulate genshi's lookup on top of mako and
it changes mako.directories to be any searchable egg path. If I recall
correctly I fixed it passing the template_paths var in the pylons host

although looking that the tg hostframework I don't see a clean way to
fix it. as the param isn't there.

As a side note, did you change your TG view to mako? looking at the
traceback it's going into genshi and then to mako.

> Diez
> >

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