On Tuesday 27 January 2009 16:17:58 Florent Aide wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Paul Johnston <paul....@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > BTW, it's great to see TG2 taking shape. Is the plan still to keep
> > ToscaWidgets as the favored components/forms library? I notice Pylons
> > are now favoring FormAlchemy.
> I personally favor ToscaWisgets above FormAlchemy. And btw TW is way
> more than just TW.forms... and is not coupled with SA in any way :)
> We use tw for creating javascript widgets for example.

I can only second that - as nice as all those model-reflection-based 
approaches are, they only go so far.

And for richt GUIs we need good integration of JS, CSS & templating, and that 
in a comfortable way.

TW helps me a lot there. The only thing missing right now for me is a 
*working* repoze.squeeze, or something similar. 


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