On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Gustavo Narea <m...@gustavonarea.net> wrote:
> Hello, everybody.
> I already mentioned this in another email, but I think it deserves its own
> thread.
> In trunk I've implemented a class decorator that sets controller-wide access
> rules (@tg.protect), based on the @ControllerProtector decorator in the new
> repoze.what-pylons package.
> So, right now the following controllers are equivalent:
>>    class ControlPanel(BaseController):
>>        allow_only = has_permission('manage')
>>        def _failed_authorization(self, reason):
>>            if response.status.startswith('401'):
>>                status = 'warning'
>>            else:
>>                status = 'error'
>>            flash(reason, status)
>> ---
>>    @protect(has_permission)
>>    class ControlPanel(BaseController):
>>       pass
> From my point of view, @protect is *much* more elegant, extensible and
> maintainable (more on why it's extensible in the repoze.what-pylons
> documentation). It's also more reliable/clear because, in a nutshell, what it
> does is decorate Controller.__before__ with a @require.
> The Controller.allow_only feature is controversial (some of us think it's best
> to prepend one or two underscores) and it's maintained in the TG package
> itself (while @protect is a simple subclass of a decorator maintained in a
> third party package).
> So, I propose that we drop Controller.allow_only and stick to @protect.
> What do you think?

class decorators? what about everyone not in py2.6? I think way back
when allow_only was created we agreed it was a good compromise before
class decorators where introduced.

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