On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Jorge Vargas <jorge.var...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Mark Ramm <mark.mchristen...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:35 PM, percious <ch...@percious.com> wrote:
>>> Personally I think we should default to SimpleJson, and then if the
>>> user has TurboJson installed, we should
>>> default to that.  It should be simple enough to put a switch in
>>> config.
>>> try:
>>>    import turbojson
>>> except:
>>>   import simplejson
>>> or such.
>>> I feel that for simple jsonifications (dictionaries) SJ will be
>>> enough.
> I think a better solution, given our time constraints and backwards
> compatibility, is to create a new config flag 'use_turbojson' which
> defaults to True with a comment that False will be the default in
> tg2.1, then in the code, build a new render_json function and replace
> the check for legacy renders. So in practice we'll have the same
> legacy renders but only the json legacy render will be on by default.
>> But it is extraordinarily likely that SQLAlchemy objects will be
>> returned by the controller, and those are not simple dictionaries.
> with time this will be grown into render_json, in fact I think it can
> have that by default as well as the dict, and respect the __json__,
> that should cover 80% of the use cases.
> I'll write a patch for the above suggestion.
OK I made a ticket and I have a rough first version of this. (1 error
and 1 failure in tests) but i haven't tested it with SA classes.


I'll realllly like this to go in. I'm willing to code a flag
(use_turbojson) which will default to True, and keep it as a
dependency. But if we can get people to test most existing apps with
use_turbojson = False and get render_json well tested I'll like to
release tg2.0final with it turned off. pretty please :p

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