
Have we decided to upload the SNAPSHOT builds to the Apache respository on daily base?

Another issue is that I'm NOT a committer yet and I don't have the write access to the Apache respository.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeremy Boynes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: Tuscany maven continuum build: What to post and where?

I added <distributionManagement> elements to the root and spec pom's to
support uploading of SNAPSHOTs to the "unreleased" repo on cvs.apache.org

I tested the upload with one jar (now removed) and it was quite slow so
I think if we do use this we should only post updates occasionally.


Daniel Kulp wrote:

1) What content should be uploaded so that it can be downloaded as a
SNAPSHOT build? Just a big zip file containing everything or do we
need to define a binary distribution structure?

If the intention is to publish unstable SNAPSHOTs then using maven to
deploy them to http://cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository is an
option. This should be writable by any committer.

This is very easy to setup.   You need to add <distributionManagement>
section to your top level pom.xml.   Then have continuum call "mvn
deploy" instead of "mvn install".      Actually, it's better if you call
"mvn source:jar javadoc:jar deploy".      Thus, when someone in dependent
project does the eclipse:eclipse thing, it can get the source jars and
debugging works very well.  (step through the code)

Having said that, Dan Kulp has mentioned on the maven list that this
repo is fairly unstable. So although it is an option, it may not be a
very good one.

Well, that is the major problem.   It's overloaded and tends to timeout.
That may cause the builds to fail.    It may be better to have the
continuum builds during the day NOT do the deploy and just have a single
build at midnight or 3am or something that does do the deploy.  It's
possible that the continuum server in apache might have "priority"
access.   I don't really know.   Also, the "deploy" step requires ssh/scp
access.  Thus, that may be OK.   It could just be http that is
overloaded.   I don't really know.


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