I'm not sure I completely agree with this, if you make it hard to report
problems then people don't report them. A bug reporter should have to
describe/provide just enough of a way to easily recreate a problem, its down
to the bug fixer to write whatever regression and unit tests are required by
the fix. If you can describe how to demonstrate a bug just by running one of
our samples that's fine in my book.


On 4/25/06, James F Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've noticed several issues have been logged against the Java
container where entire Maven projects or samples are used to
demonstrate a problem.  Sometimes this may be unavoidable, but I would
like to propose that we get into the habit of submitting failing
testcases as a default instead. This is common practice in many
projects, and my reasons for suggesting this are:

- it helps diagnose the problem
- it provides verification when the issue is resolved
- it builds up our test suite which is woefully inadequate
- it is often less work than creating entire projects

Obviously, this can't be a literal policy but I believe it should be
"default" behavior for those directly involved in the project. For
non-commiters, we could encourage this behavior by noting that logged
issues with testcases generally get attention quicker.

Also, I would like to propose that while we may tolerate an issue
logged with a project which requires a particular IDE such as IntelliJ
or Eclipse, or requires "main" to run from those outside the project,
commiters should never do this.


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