Hi Kevin

When you suggest and example of "reading data from a data source and
shipping it to some remote engine for processing" would this include, for
example, an application that reads a data graph from a relational database
and then forwards is in the form of and XML document to, say, an XFoms
engine. Is this the kind of thing you were talking about? Once the XML form
has been completed in this case the modified XML doc would have to be sent
back to the SDO in some way and, as you say, be committed to the database.
How is this done in SDO? Are interfaces provided that allow an existing SDO
to be updated with a new graph (the modifieed XML document) while
maintaining the original change history?

Regards Simon

On 5/3/06, Kevin Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

kelvin goodson wrote:

> With regards to sharing change histories,  I imagine the primary use
> for change histories is when you give a give a modified graph back to
> "same" DAS for writing back to the original source. So I in terms of
> cross
> language interoperability I would extrapolate that the scenario we
> would be
> supporting would be that of fairly tightly coupled DAS
> implementations, all
> accessing the same source.  I may be wrong, but It doesn't sound like a
> frequently encountered scenario, so whilst it sounds like goodness, it
> wouldn't be at the top of my priority list.

I have also not seen many interop scenarios requiring cooperation
between two different DAS implementations.  The only one that comes to
mind is reading from one database and writing to another.  This would be
very cool, especially if the two DAS implementations were in different
languages(C++, Java, PHP, Ruby), but I doubt that this scenario will be

I think a more frequent interop scenario will involve reading data from
a data source and shipping it to some remote engine for processing.  The
modified graph would be shipped back to the originating DAS and the
changes reflected to the originating data source.  The remote engine
could be implemented in another language or, if it is the same language,
it could be using a different implementation of SDO.

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