Thanks Oisin, I don't seen anything at [1] that specifically mentions
canonicalization. Is the sample code you refer to the


On 6/22/06, Oisin Hurley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Simon,

> However this test compares everything and I am hitting the problem
> which is
> touched on in,
> i.e. my
> input xml files have comments and my output XML files don't so the
> current
> equalXML... function always returns false.

What might be useful here is some XML Canonicalization (c14n) code that
will munge both XML sources to a canonical form and then compare
those forms.
This does things like elide extraneous whitespace in the elements,
reorder attributes using a particular algorithm, optionally remove
comments and that kind of thing. The Canonical XML spec is at [0],
but you might be more interested in the example implementation which you
can find in the Xerces samples at [1]. A candidate for that testutils
jar that Dan was talking about, perhaps.



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