Hi Eric, welcome

I'm relatively new to this myself and, as I'm not not focusing on the Java
implementation, I can't help you with Java details much but I did read a
good article by Martin Fowler about the inversion of control/dependency
injection pattern [1].

There was also a recent telcon about the changes proposed to support the
recursive assembly model in Java so this would be a place where you could
look to find out how things might change going forward. Jim posted about
this [2].

Also have a go with the current code base and ask questions here or on the
IRC [3]

[1] http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html
[2] http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org/msg03853.html
[3] http://incubator.apache.org/tuscany/getinvolved.html



On 6/22/06, Eric Le Goff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am an average Java developer and my goal would be to get deeper
understanding of the open source development process in general and I
chose the Tuscany project architecture / implementation / tooling
etc... as a starting point (since SOA sounds like an interesting

My question is about pre-requisite readings / knowledge / training
....before some newbie java developer like me is able to provide some
help with code and document.

There are indeed so many things for a newcomer to read :
- this mailing list
- the project wiki pages
- the specs (0.9 already obsolete ?)
- more (???)

I know how to use Eclipse, maven, how to find JIRA issues ...but I
would need some help when it comes to the project architecture (from
40000 ft, not the details...), development concepts like dependency
injection, or what do you mean by "recursive model"...

I know the general answer is "Read the f... Manual" but all I need is
the correct pointers and a global methodology.
In other words I would like to know what shold be absolutely known
before pretending contributing to the project.
And if all this does not sound stupid ;) I promise to work hard and
learn these prerequisite and maybe some day to contribute to the code

thanks for your help


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