I can speak for the Tuscany C++ implementation.

In this version the data factory keeps a record of all types and their
properties. When the first
data object is created, the metadata becomes read-only, and properties can
no longer be
added to types.
The only way to add dynamic content to a type is to declare it as an open
type - in which case you can add any properties you like, but they apply
only to the instance which you are working with, and are not known to the
getInstanceProperties gives you the list of all metadata properties plus all
the open ones, whilst getType().getProperties() gives only the properties
defined on the metadata.


On 26/06/06, sensystems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a conceptual question with SDO, may be you can help me to figure
this out:

As the dynamic DataObject will always use reflection APIs
The questions are:
1) Are there APIs which allow you to change a Type?
2) If so, what's the synchronization between the type and instance

my requirements says this:
a) I should provide the aplication with an initial base metamodel.
b) the users (using the gui)can make instances of that metamodel
c) the users can add propertyes to any type
d) the users can only remove the properties they added
e) if a property is added to a type,  the current instances should have
that property set to the default value (or may be unset)
d) if a property is removed from a type all the instances should have
that property removed

Thank you very much for your responses.

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