The other thing that helps is turning logging on on ther server. I start the
axis server with the following script...

set PATH= ...
axis2_http_server.exe -l 4

So in the first instance what we need to do is work up all of these hints
and tips into a step by step service construction/debugging guide. I think
pete/andy already have words in this area so we should review and extend if

Secondly we need to think, post M1, what we add to make life easier, for
Specific logging of the points that cause problems
Debug helpers

What else should be on this list?

On 6/27/06, Edward Slattery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Having been working on the Windows build today, I agree with your summary.
There might even  be problems to less new users.
My saviours this afternoon hav been:
1) Running the axis http server in the debugger - loading the extra sca_ws
dll and setting breakpoints.
2) Checking very very carefully the env vars TUSCANY_SCACPP,
3) Checking them again.
4) checking the logs in the axis logs directory - Calculator_blocking
you what happens when the service is loaded. axis2.log tells you if the
service didnt load. - I just asked the asix2c people to add some details
the log to say which dll in which path didnt load - then I think we
have all bases covered.

On 27/06/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've spent a little time playing with the C++ SCA implementation. I want
> to
> replay my understanding to see if it is correct.
> When constructing a service that will have a web service binding you
> to
> provide a number of things including
> myservice.h to define the class that is the service
> myservice.cpp to implement the class that is the service
> myservice.wsdl to describe the service interface
> Of course you have to provide the appropriate SCA configuration files
> also,
> e.g. sca.module, Tuscany-model.config  etc, and you have to SCAGen the
> interface to generate proxies and wrappers.
> - At this point in time there is no WSDL -> C++ or C++ -> WSDL tooling
> Hence at present there is a requirement that you, as the developer of
> service, ensure that the interface described in C++ matches the
> described in WSDL.
> - At this point in time there is no C++ SDO support for static types
> Hence interfaces to services that take SDOs will always descibe the
> interface in terms of DataObjects.
> - The web services interfaces adopt the doc/literal/wrapped  pattern
> Hence the WSDL has to be constructed/used carefully in this respect to
> match
> the expectations of the runtime and the types that are used to describe
> message elements are not the types that find their way in and out of the
> C++
> service implementation. It is the types that are themselves wrapped that
> find themselves presented to and returned from the service
> Is this understanding correct?
> Is there some way we can provide a helper function (or simple generator)
> that demonstrates how a service operation should handle the types it is
> presented with and produce a type for return based on the WSDL
> of the interface? This could be as simple as providing a mechanism to
> print
> out a template C++ operation based on the model formed from the WSDL.
> Maybe
> this could be done with good documentation and samples but I'm not sure.
> I sense that there will be mistakes made in this area by new users;-)
> Regards
> Simon

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