I have posted a 2nd candidate for the first C++ release here:

Please vote to publish the Milestone 1 release distributions. Please
take some time to download the distributions, review them and test them
in your environment before voting.

The vote is open for at least the next 72 hours.
At least three +1 votes are required, and only the votes from
Tuscany committers are binding. If the majority of all votes is
positive, I will send a summary of that vote to the Incubator's general
list to formally request the Incubator PMC to approve the Tuscany C++
Milestone 1 release. For your reference the Incubator release policy
guidelines are available at

Release Summary

Tuscany SCA C++ provides a runtime implementation for the Service Component
Architecture 0.9 specification, written in C++ and will currently support
component implementation types. This is not yet a complete implementation
known restrictions are described below.

Supported SCA Assembly Model features
 *  All features are supported unless listed under the known restrictions
    below. See SCA Assembly Model specification.

Supported language bindings
 * Component implementations written in C++. See SCA Client and
   Implementation Model specification.
 * Component interfaces described by C++ classes. See SCA Client and
   Implementation Model specification.

Supported external service and entry point bindings
 * The web service binding is supported. This implementation will support
   web services which using document literal SOAP bindings conforming to
   WS-I basic profile (rpc/encoded is not yet supported).

Known restrictions
 * Subsystem: wiring, entry points and external services are not supported.
 * Local service interfaces cannot use overloaded operations (the SCA
   specification limits remote service interfaces to not using
overloaded operations).
 * Each WSDL definition for a web service binding must be in a single WSDL
 * No load time validation of the deployed SCA application (run time
validation only).
 * No metadata API.

A sample is included which demonstrates deploying an SCA module, component
wiring, locating and invoking C++ service from C++ component,  invoking from
a C++ client, and exposing a service as a web service using ws binding.



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