
The reason SDO is in here is because it is required by the SCA runtime. We
split it out into separate packages as SDO could be used without SCA. The
Java release just bundled averything together I believe. I agree there
should be samples for SDO if it is in this separate package and we should
therefore NOT release this asis.

I think putting ALL the doc in the gettingStarted file is a good idea and we
just leave the README and INSTALL to a minimum (link to GettingStarted).
This would also make it simple to hang the doc off the project web site.


On 13/07/06, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andrew Borley wrote:
> On 7/13/06, cr22rc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here are some comments for the SDO windows cpp binary package:
>> Why does the "binary" GettingStarted.html talk about "Building and"...
>> binary should be built already.
> Unlike getting the Axis2c requirement that seemed pretty straight
>> forward, the libxml2 pages to find the right version seemed a bit more
>> painful. I finally ended up here:
>> And still am not 100% sure if I have the right libxml2.  Was there a
>> particular reason this link can't also be added to the
>> GettingStarted.html so I could just click on it?
>> (I know this link could go bad in the future, but I'd gamble it would
>> stay current long enough for M1 and make it easy for users to get.)
> The three separate files GettingStarted.html readme and INSTALL adds for
>> me a whole lot of confusion.  GettStarted.html tells you look at README
>> and it almost
>> immediately tells you go back to GettingStarted.html .  If these files
>> all need to be there take two  simplify them and make them just
>> to the other.
>> I don't see why most of the README couldn't be rolled up into a section
>> in GettingStarted.html. Same for INSTALL... in fact INSTALL could be
>> made a whole lot nicer cause you could either put the separate
>> in different html files linked or in separate sections that had anchors
>> you could point to.
> We use the same README, INSTALL and GettingStarted.html for all
> and all distros which makes managing our documentation easy..
> README and INSTALL are standard C++ project documentation files which
> veteran C++ developers will go to directly. Rolling this information
> GettingStarted.html as well would cause maintenance headaches, so, for
> less
> experienced C++ developers we included the GettingStarted.html and
> linked to
> these text files. I don't think there is any issue with cross linking
> between these docs - README is a standard README, INSTALL tells you
> how to
> install and GettingStarted provides a nice documentation front page for
> newbies.
Well IMO the ease of managing of  documentation has caused the flow that
a new user experience to suffer. I really don't even see what I
suggested to be less manageable.  For those that expect a particular
file to be present let it be there.  As I suggested and move the
majority of the content to gettingStarted.html it means they only have
to bring up that one document.  The bouncing back and forth still is as
I see it is unnecessary.
> Now that I have the SDO binary installed what next ? Samples?
> Yep - go for it. You have committer access? Make us some.
Well I was asked to vote on this.  And yes as committer  I can vote if
this is really is ready as a separate distro ?  Hmm, a package without a
single sample, a single smoke test ?   How do I or even you know if it
even works?
> Pete Robbins wrote:
>> > I have posted a 2nd candidate for the first C++ release here:
>> >
>> http://people.apache.org/~robbinspg/RC-2<
>> >
>> >
>> > Please vote to publish the Milestone 1 release distributions. Please
>> > take some time to download the distributions, review them and test
>> them
>> > in your environment before voting.
>> >
>> > The vote is open for at least the next 72 hours.
>> > At least three +1 votes are required, and only the votes from
>> > Tuscany committers are binding. If the majority of all votes is
>> > positive, I will send a summary of that vote to the Incubator's
>> general
>> > list to formally request the Incubator PMC to approve the Tuscany C++
>> > Milestone 1 release. For your reference the Incubator release policy
>> > guidelines are available at
>> >
>> http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Releases.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Release Summary
>> > =============
>> >
>> > Tuscany SCA C++ provides a runtime implementation for the Service
>> > Component
>> > Architecture 0.9 specification, written in C++ and will currently
>> support
>> > C++
>> > component implementation types. This is not yet a complete
>> implementation
>> > and
>> > known restrictions are described below.
>> >
>> > Supported SCA Assembly Model features
>> >  *  All features are supported unless listed under the known
>> restrictions
>> >     below. See SCA Assembly Model specification.
>> >
>> > Supported language bindings
>> >  * Component implementations written in C++. See SCA Client and
>> >    Implementation Model specification.
>> >  * Component interfaces described by C++ classes. See SCA Client and
>> >    Implementation Model specification.
>> >
>> > Supported external service and entry point bindings
>> >  * The web service binding is supported. This implementation will
>> support
>> >    web services which using document literal SOAP bindings
>> conforming to
>> > the
>> >    WS-I basic profile (rpc/encoded is not yet supported).
>> >
>> > Known restrictions
>> >  * Subsystem: wiring, entry points and external services are not
>> > supported.
>> >  * Local service interfaces cannot use overloaded operations (the SCA
>> >    specification limits remote service interfaces to not using
>> > overloaded operations).
>> >  * Each WSDL definition for a web service binding must be in a single
>> > WSDL
>> > document.
>> >  * No load time validation of the deployed SCA application (run time
>> > validation only).
>> >  * No metadata API.
>> >
>> > A sample is included which demonstrates deploying an SCA module,
>> > component
>> > wiring, locating and invoking C++ service from C++ component,
>> > invoking from
>> > a C++ client, and exposing a service as a web service using ws
>> binding.
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> >
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