Hi Venkat

  here's the moinmojn help page

 basically just write "attachment:<name_for_attachment>" in the text body,
then when you preview/view it, until the attachment is name resolved to an
upoloaded file, it will offer you the opportunity upload a file for the
named attachment.  Be aware that for  certain file extensions in the
attachment name (e.g. foo.gif) the behaviour will be different --- it
inlines certain recognised extensions or  places hyperlinks in the page for
attachment names without recognised extensions.

Cheers, Kelvin.

On 7/18/06, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, I just could not log into the IRC... not sure where the problem

Getting to the subject of the image I posted.  I am not sure how to upload
it into the wiki.  To which page should I be attaching it... If somebody
help me with this info I can post the image there.. Also if there is
anything that you guys want me to do with the me, please let me know.


- Venkat

On 7/17/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That of course should read July-17-06
> On 7/17/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Here is the discussion from today's IRC chat (sorry about the slightly

> > wonky format as I had to cut and paste from my client). The topics of
> > discussion were content updates to the Tuscany web site and the
> by
> > which the web site is produced. In summary we are going to progress
> > following this week.
> >
> >     jboynes    layout and nav,
> >     slaws       "what is SCA",
> >     kgoodson "what is SDO"
> >     kevin        DAS
> >     cr22rc       help with the web site production toolkit and site
> > content as time allows
> >    dwheeler    image stuff
> >
> > Of course everyone is invited to help out here so don't be shy.
> >
> > Simon
> >
> >
> >
> > <kgoodson>    shall we pick up where we were on improving the website
> with
> > a clickable picture before OSCon?
> >     <kgoodson>    what other topics?
> >     -->|    kevin (n= [EMAIL PROTECTED]) has
> joined
> > #tuscany
> >     <slaws>    i'm just back on line form leave and saw mail about the
> > website, e.g. the nice clickable picture, but i'm confused about what
> the
> > status is and who is doing what - can you give a quick update
> >     <rfeng>    The OSCON is coming, I guess we need to improve the web
> > site as we agreed last time, right?
> >     -->|    simonnash (n= [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) has joined
> #tuscany
> >     <simonnash>    hi
> >     <slaws>    hi simon - kelivin is just kicking off a discussion on
> > website progress
> >     <jboynes>    hi, sorry, I'm back as well
> >     <kgoodson>    hi simon, it's a little quiet, but we are just about
> to
> > take stock of where the website improvemnt is/is going -- there don't
> seem
> > tyo be any other topics at the moment -- jeremy has had to disappear
> >     <jboynes>    we have a clckable on the wiki, yes?
> >     <kgoodson>    i liked raymonds picture, with the clickable links,
> > there was aanother picture on the mailing list i think that I cant
> locate at
> > the moment which was a higher level modular diagram
> >     <kgoodson>    hes, clickable ....
> >
> > <
> >
> >     <rfeng>    the other one is for tuscany architectural layers, I
> guess
> >     <slaws>    yes - high level - was attached as a zip to a mail
> >     <rfeng>    can somebody upload it to WIKI as well?
> >     <kgoodson>    yes, am i right in thinking that the one you, rfeng,

> > have done would be linked to from the higher level one?
> >     <slaws>    high level one was on a mail from Venkata Krishnan
> >     <rfeng>    the one I prototyped is for SCA composite PM
> >     -->|    jmarino (n= [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) has joined
> #tuscany
> >     <slaws>    can;t find it in the dev archive for some reason
> >     <kgoodson>    have found it, i will attach to wiki
> >     <slaws>    ok - great
> >     <jboynes>    I checked the toolkit from the incubator site into my
> > sandbox - has anyone had a chance to look at it?
> >     <slaws>    sorry jeremy - have been out - is this the toolkit for
> > building the website?
> >     <kgoodson>    wiki seems not to want to create a new page, waiting
> > ......
> >     <jboynes>    slaws: yes, the toolkit I mentioned last time which
> > been picked up by a couple of projects (including the incubator)
> >     <rfeng>    just point to the new URL you want to place the new
> > then you'll see the option to create the new page
> >     <slaws>    jboynes: ok - ta - haven't tried it yet but can give it
> > whirl
> >     <jboynes>    ok
> >     <jboynes>    anyone else interested or does anyone have any
> > alternatives?
> >     <kgoodson>    yes i'm intersted but i don't really know what it
> > us
> >     <jboynes>    it's simpler than mvn
> >     <slaws>    so, coming back to my first question, who is doing what

> on
> > the website?
> >     <jboynes>    I set up the toolkit thing and was waiting for
> >     <cr22rc>    just a command to run for mvn
> >     <jboynes>    ?
> >     <cr22rc>    xdocs are a pain ... does it get us away from that ?
> >     <rfeng>    I'm stuck in something else this week
> >     <jboynes>    you can use xml or html
> >     <slaws>    ok - and rfeng made the clickable diagram and we also
> have
> > a top level diagram contributed - anything else?
> >     <dwheeler>    I believe I was going to try and come up with a
> prettier
> > diagram(s) for the clickable diagram interface.
> >     <cr22rc>    I need to look at the other TK too see what it buys us
> >     <dwheeler>    based on the ones we have
> >     <kgoodson>    finally i have the architecture diag n the wiki ...
> >     <kgoodson>
> http://wiki.apache.org/ws/Tuscany/ClickableImages?action=show
> >
> >     <cr22rc>    to do the site now it's mvn site ... and then mvn
> > site-deploy (which publishes it )
> >     <jboynes>    I think the big difference is that there's less going

> on
> > than with mvn site
> >     <jboynes>    everything is in one place and not spread around
> > different modules
> >     <cr22rc>    most of the site is just under site
> >     <cr22rc>    the one thing we don't get with mvn I think is tabs on
> the
> > top... don't think you can do that.
> >     <jboynes>    with the toolkit you get raw html so can do anything
> >     <jboynes>    but you need to do everything ..
> >     <kgoodson>    just to summarize, we were looking for the tabs of
> > http://geronimo.apache.org/ with the image navigation style of
> > http://incubator.apache.org/servicemix/
> >     <jboynes>    perhaps it would be worth extending the strawman to
> > include tabs etc (at least the high level nav)
> >     <cr22rc>    I *assume* for OSCON we are going with M1 ?
> >     <slaws>    i think that is a safe assumption in terms of getting
> > people to download and try it
> >     <slaws>    there will be C++ also
> >     <kgoodson>    (correction to my above summary, servicemix site's
> image
> > is not clickable, but that's the style we liked and we were going to
> make it
> > clickable)
> >     <jboynes>    speaking of oscon, who is going?
> >     <jboynes>    I will be there
> >     <rfeng>    me too
> >     <simonnash>    i will
> >     <rfeng>    I booked a BOF session, need to figure out what to
> present
> > :-)
> >     <kgoodson>    I'm planning on going, but I have back trouble at
> > moment, and 24 hours of travelling is probably not the best thing for
> --
> > seeking medical opionion now
> >     <kgoodson>    i alos have a bof booked for SDO
> >     <slaws>    unfortunately i can't - I'm off to an event in the UK
> next
> > week
> >     <kevin>    i will be there
> >     <kgoodson>    geoff winn will be there too
> >     <kgoodson>    and graham charters
> >     <slaws>    so who is working on the wed site content updates?
> >     <slaws>    web
> >     <kgoodson>    i offered to make images clickable, which is about
> i
> > have the bandwidth to do at the moment
> >     <slaws>    i could potentially do a little bit this week if you
> > help. Probably a very little bit depending on how php things go.
> >     <rfeng>    kelvin, I can send you the raw image so that you can
> > it
> >     <kgoodson>    but then the main candidate from rfeng was already
> > clickable -- i guess i could have done something with venkata's but I
> think
> > mapping the image areas to links would be quite a big job
> >     <jboynes>    other than the images there's a lot of other content
> >     <kgoodson>    your's was the SCA PM diagram that was already
> clickable
> > IIRC, yes?
> >     <rfeng>    yes
> >     <kgoodson>    so what editing did you want done?
> >     <jboynes>    is anyone going to work on that?
> >     <jboynes>    is anyone going have time to work on that?
> >     <rfeng>    just in case you need to edit it
> >     <kgoodson>    the main issue we were addressing was that the
> apacheCon
> > feedback said that the main page was too wordy -- so I guess I
> what
> > we would be doing as a first step was providing an alternative means
> > navigation to the existing info, not ideal perhaps, but a step in the
> right
> > direction
> >     <rfeng>    agree
> >     |<--    elegoff has left freenode ()
> >     <jboynes>    the main feedback was that we were not giving people
> any
> > insight into what SCA was about
> >     <jboynes>    it's not just navigation and wordiness but
> > presentation
> >     <jboynes>    stuff like tabs and images can help present that but
> > need to have a clear message behind it
> >     <cr22rc>    do we need to make sure it's platform independent? On
> the
> > main SCA page do we want to show something that's only specific to
> java
> > ?
> >     <lresende>    also, is there a way we can make our wiki a little
> more
> > easy to navigate? like adding a left outline like the main website ?
> >     <kgoodson>    for me its not only a time issue, its familiarity
> > the detail of SCA --- SDO has to be my priority and I don't feel in a
> > position to put together authoratative text content about that, so I
> could
> > only chip in from the SDO angle
> >     <lresende>    we should also try to get more DAS content on the
> > website.... I'll start to see what topics we could add for DAS
> >     <jboynes>    how about I do some more on the strawman and come up
> with
> > some into content and navigation
> >     <jboynes>    then we can fill out the detail behind
> >     <kevin>    lresende, that would be great
> >     <lresende>    kevin, I'll send the ideas to the dev-list ... and
> > could discuss incorporating it to the site
> >     <kevin>    is there a clear distinction between what goes on the
> main
> > website and what belongs in a wiki?
> >     <kevin>    sounds good
> >     <kgoodson>    jeremy, that sounds good, but it would be good to
> flesh
> > out that that would mean for anyone involved in terms of activity in
> > next week
> >     <jboynes>    not sure what you mean
> >     <jboynes>    i was planning on adding stuff to the thing in the
> sandbo
> >     <jboynes>    I'd hope to get it done later today or tomorrow
> >     <cr22rc>    I'm looking for where this TK original source is... is

> it
> > just in svn?
> >     <cr22rc>    in incubator?
> >     <jboynes>    that's the one I used
> >     <jboynes>    there are other copies in geronimo, harmony, jdo, ...

> >     <jboynes>    what are you looking for?
> >     <cr22rc>    then this a supported project ?
> >     <jboynes>    no
> >     <cr22rc>    hmm
> >     <jboynes>    it's based on anakia which is but it's just a usage
> it
> >     <jboynes>    there's nothing to support actually - it's a bunch of
> > templates that are site specific
> >     <cr22rc>    can it publish the site once it's built .. to apache
> like
> > mvn tools can?
> >     |<--    simonnash has left freenode (Read error: 104 (Connection
> reset
> > by peer))
> >     <jboynes>    yes
> >     <jboynes>    it poops out site-publish which you check back into
> >     <jboynes>    then to make that live you svn up on the
> > people.apache.org server
> >     <jboynes>    (the same thing that you do if you are updating the
> > incubator site)
> >     <jboynes>    infrastructure require that the published site is in
> svn
> >     <kgoodson>    jboynes, ok, I guess I was just kind of looking for
> some
> > kind of statement from anybody who intended to pitch in as to what
> > might do -- wondering if that might avoind duplicating effort, or show
> up
> > where the holes are
> >     <kevin>    i can help with the DAS sections
> >     <jboynes>    if folk want to pitch in, we need content, html help,
> > image work, some images, ...
> >     <jboynes>    thanks
> >     <--|    jliu has left #tuscany
> >     <cr22rc>    try to pitch in ... need to get acquainted with this
> > tool
> >     <kgoodson>    i have a fair bit of material on getting started
> > SDO in the WIKI that could potentially be moved across
> >     <jboynes>    thanks
> >     <slaws>    ok - i'll take a look at the tool and add if i can
> >     <slaws>    am interested in the "what is SCA" part
> >     <kgoodson>    slaws, what sort of thing woul you be contributing
> >     <kgoodson>    i'm also working on some "What is ADO material"
> > could be added, but I didn't have it in my sights for that to be very
> > polished by the end of the week
> >     <kgoodson>    ADO!!
> >     <kgoodson>    SDO
> >     <kevin>    Freudian?
> >     <kgoodson>    :-)
> >     <cr22rc>    That would interesting ADO tuscany binding
> >     <jboynes>    ok , AIUI, I'm going to tackle the layout and nav,
> slaws
> > is doing "what is SCA", kgoodson is doing "what is ADO?" ;-), kevin is
> > helping with DAS and cr22rc is going to help with the toolkit
> >     <jboynes>    did I miss anyone?
> >     <slaws>    and someone needs to get the diagrams in in some form -
> > does that come under nav?
> >     <jboynes>    I can get them in if someone can do all the image
> > for them
> >     <dwheeler>    I can do the image stuff.
> >     <jboynes>    thans
> >     <jboynes>    thanks
> >     <slaws>    sounds like a plan
> >     <jboynes>    I'll drop a separate note to the list about this - we
> > need to make sure the C++ folk are involved as well
> >     <kgoodson>    dwheeler, thanks
> >     <cr22rc>    if I can get caught up in understanding this tool
> I
> > can help with link/nav too
> >     <jboynes>    thanks
> >

Best Regards
Kelvin Goodson

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