I've updated the site sandbox at http://zerovec.com/tuscany/

On the front I've put a revised verion of the block diagram as well as a
version of the triangle relationship diagram for side by side comparison.

On the top I've implemented some drop down menus for navigating to specific
pages related to SCA/SDO/DAS. Some of these pages do not exist yet.

I've also inserted a "Getting started" category in the nav bar for links
similiar to those in the menus.

Let me know what you guys think works, and where you want the site to be.

-David Wheeler.

On 8/21/06, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Haleh, David...

I am trying to rephrase what I tried to convey over the IRC about the
diagram at http://www.zerovec.com/tuscany/AssemblyDiagram.png

If this is the diagram of our websites front page, In my opinion the
seems to put more emphasis on the SCA project detailing it more than the
and DAS.  If I visited the website I would think that SCA is the main
and SDO and DAS are supporting stuff.  If this is what it is actually then
it is me who has got it all wrong :)

On the other hand if all three of them are key initiatives / projects that
we are doing under Tuscany, we have to project them in a equivalent
.i.e. either detail all of them or show all as just blocks (with no
within each block)

Also, we must convey what is the binding theme for us to do these three
technologies under the Tuscany Umbrella - what is the motivation?  This
hints on what other projects we might include under Tuscany in the future.


- Venkat

On 8/17/06, David Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again,
> I worked some more on the site and here is what I have come up with.
> http://www.zerovec.com/tuscany/
> I created a php script to parse the xml docs in site-author and display
> them. This make it pretty easy to migrate over all the content that was
> previously there.  The only change was making links that pointed to
> pageName.html point to index.php?page=pageName .
> Does this work for everyone?
> On 8/14/06, David Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got the site layout to the point where some things are now
> > functional.
> > Content pages need only contain what is relevant to the themselves,
> > no formatting information
> > Currently it uses javascript to take a local page and inject it into
> > main page. (This causes the page to feel more responsive, but breaks
> > back button.)
> > An easy alternative would be to use PHP if javascript isn't ok.
> >
> > I've attached the source as well as posted it here:
> >
> >
> > -David W
> >
> >

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