On 8/30/06, Pete Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 30/08/06, Andrew Borley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/30/06, Geoffrey Winn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>. Using the Apache stdcxx library instead would provide
> > us with a number of benefits
> Agreed. +1 for this.


The one difficulty is that once SDO links against the stdcxx library then
> > all users of SDO must also do so. I think this gives us two options
> >
> > 1. Just do it, and live with the consequences. In this case we will
> > way
> > or another) pre-req stdcxx on all platforms, and all users of SDO for
> C++
> > will be required to use stdcxx as their C++ standard library.
> >
> > 2. Create a build time switch that chooses between whatever the
> > offers (ie the current arrangement) and stdcxx. Presumably defaulting
> > the
> > current arrangement.
> >
> > I prefer option 2 but obviously it somewhat complicates our build
> process
> > and perhaps more seriously adds another complication to our test
> >
> > What does the team think?

My preference is also for option 2 as it gives our users more choice.
> However, we may find ourselves #ifdef-ing chunks of code out to get
> the aforementioned differences in libraries (see Pete's map problem on
> Windows yesterday..) which will make code less readable, etc. I think
> starting this with the SDO codebase is a good idea, as this is a
> relatively
> standalone set of code, and will give us a good idea what the issues are
> with this approach.

Defintiely option 2!

A side question - SDO has a couple of pre-reqs (libxml2, etc) - will these
> need to be rebuilt against stdcxx as well?

libxml2 is C rather than c++ so I don't think this is an issue. Same for
Axis2C for the sdo_axiom utility.



Generall I +1 the move to stdcxx and specifically to option 2 because...

In PHP SDO land, which of course uses Tuscany SDO, we tend to have faily
autonomous builds, i.e. we expect our users to be able to download the SDO
package and build it without having to download too much other stuff. At
least other stuff that isn't already known to the PHP build system . We
already depend on libxml2, iconv & zlib but these are generally available in
linux at stable versions. If we add a mandatory dependency on the apache
incubator version of stdxx then we have added another barrier to entry as
there is another packge to download that people may not be familiar with and
may cause clashes with other extensions that use other solutions. We won't
know until we try it. It may also cause problems for the automatic windows
build that takes place on the PECL servers outside of our control. I don't
really know the details of this though so would have to look into it.


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