Here's a log of the first hour of yesterday's chat.  I had to leave at the
end of the formal meeting time, so I'm not sure if it went on any longer.
If so, and someone else has the log then please append it.

Most of the chat was discussion about the process for the M2 release.

[11/09/2006 15:51] [INFO] Channel view for ``#Tuscany'' opened.
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[11/09/2006 15:51] =-= User mode for kgoodson is now +i
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[11/09/2006 15:51] -->| YOU (kgoodson) have joined #Tuscany
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[11/09/2006 15:53] |<-- bertlamb has left ("Trillian (";)
[11/09/2006 15:54] =-= ant is now known as ant_away
[11/09/2006 15:58] -->| bertlamb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/ibm/x-0319cfd37df678a2) has
joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:04] -->| YangZHONG (n=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:10] -->| rfeng (n=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:13] <jboynes> kgoodson: you here?
[11/09/2006 16:21] <kgoodson> hi, yes
[11/09/2006 16:21] <kgoodson> jboynes,  was away
[11/09/2006 16:21] <jboynes> np
[11/09/2006 16:22] <jboynes> what do you need to know about releasing sdo?
[11/09/2006 16:22] <jboynes> or, are you volunteering to be release manager
for sdo? :-)
[11/09/2006 16:23] -->| monxton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/ibm/x-3295f699fcb15aa6) has
joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:24] -->| bhdaniel (n=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:24] <kgoodson> ok,  so about 3 projects ago,  when I was
using sccs and make, i was on top of my build environment and knew lots
about packaging etc,  but ever since then I've always had a new build env
that someone else handles and I just need to know how to crank the handle.
So, now I've put my head above the parapet and volunteered for this,  I'm
not really sure what I have to do.  I do have a couple of specific pointts,
but other than that I was looking for "dont forget to ...." type comments

[11/09/2006 16:25] <jboynes> :)
[11/09/2006 16:26] <jboynes> well, there are two parts to the release:
getting artifacts into a mvn repo, and bundling them up into a download
[11/09/2006 16:26] <kgoodson> one specific point is handling our EMF
dependency,  which currently shifts eash week and the thing that was called
EMF-2.2.1-SNAPSHOT.hjar or the like is a different thing,  and we need to
make sure the release references something that doesnt shift under our feet
(EMF are planning a new named build in the correct timeframe, so we are in
luck there)
[11/09/2006 16:27] -->| jsdelfino (n=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:27] <jboynes> yes - a real release can't have any SNAPSHOT
dependencies in it
[11/09/2006 16:27] <jboynes> e.g. we have the same thing in sca with a
dependency on SNAPSHOTs of axis
[11/09/2006 16:28] <jboynes> we can't finalize the release until they cut
[11/09/2006 16:28] <jboynes> (well, we can also do our own build but that
leads to other problems)
[11/09/2006 16:28] -->| jervisliu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined
[11/09/2006 16:30] <jboynes> anyway, getting artifacts into the mvn repo is
fairly easy
[11/09/2006 16:30] <jboynes> you can use the deploy goal for that (it does
all the uploading and checksumming)
[11/09/2006 16:30] -->| oisin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:31] <kgoodson> my second point is how we chill the code and
preserve the development stream --- e.g. do we copy development into the
sandbox for a while
[11/09/2006 16:32] <jboynes> is that necessary at this time?
[11/09/2006 16:32] <jboynes> and if so I would suggest creating a branch
rather than use the sandbox
[11/09/2006 16:34] <jboynes> the bundling things up side should be handled
by the assembly plugin in dsitribution/sdo
[11/09/2006 16:34] -->| dwheeler (n=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:35] <jboynes> you'll need a version # :)
[11/09/2006 16:36] <jboynes> is everyone ok with 1.0-incubator-M2 ?
[11/09/2006 16:36] <kgoodson> ok, we might be able to get away without a
branch,  but I don't have a firm idea of for how long that might tie our
hands with continued development,  for instance, we would clearly be
impacted by the date that out EMF dependency was satisfied,  but would we be
lock stepped with SCA at all,  and therefore  e.g. dependent upon the axis
[11/09/2006 16:37] <jboynes> I don't think sdo and sca need to be in lock
[11/09/2006 16:37] <kgoodson> 1.0-incubator-M2 still ok with me
[11/09/2006 16:37] |<-- isilval has left ("Trillian (";)
[11/09/2006 16:37] <jboynes> but sca needs an sdo release before or at the
same time :)
[11/09/2006 16:37] <jboynes> but before is ok
[11/09/2006 16:38] <kgoodson> ok, thanks, so once we've cut our distribution
we switch back to development mode,  and the distro gets picked up at some
later time, sounds good
[11/09/2006 16:38] <jboynes> do you have an eta for EMF 2.2.1?
[11/09/2006 16:39] -->| ant_away_ (n=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:40] <kgoodson> they will have an R build by 9/27 but there
may be an S build before that
[11/09/2006 16:40] <kgoodson> theres a chance that the R build will come
[11/09/2006 16:41] <jboynes> what's an S build again?
[11/09/2006 16:41] -->| Venkat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 16:41] <kgoodson> thought you might ask that :-) will check on
exact meaning
[11/09/2006 16:42] <oisin> stable?
[11/09/2006 16:42] <kgoodson> that would be my guess
[11/09/2006 16:42] <oisin> S == stable confirmed
[11/09/2006 16:42] <oisin> R == released
[11/09/2006 16:42] <kgoodson> indeed, you beat me to it
[11/09/2006 16:43] <jboynes> given the proximity of the R that sounds like a
better one to use
[11/09/2006 16:43] * jboynes is assume R is more stable than S ?
[11/09/2006 16:43] <kgoodson> yes
[11/09/2006 16:45] <oisin> the 'S' build is effectively a milestone build,
so very stable, but possibly not feature complete
[11/09/2006 16:45] <oisin> also implication that apis might change
[11/09/2006 16:45] <oisin> on the way to an 'R'
[11/09/2006 16:45] <jboynes> ok
[11/09/2006 16:46] <kgoodson> so we will plan to hang on for the R build
unless circumstances dicate that we need to move ahead,
[11/09/2006 16:46] <kgoodson> with an S
[11/09/2006 16:47] <jboynes> in the mean time we should sort out the distro
process and check all the legal stuff is right
[11/09/2006 16:47] <jboynes> we can do that by publishing a snapshot to the
asf repo
[11/09/2006 16:48] <jboynes> both of the individual jars and the distro
[11/09/2006 16:49] -->| jervisli1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined
[11/09/2006 16:49] <jboynes> if you're will to take that on it would be good
(I can help out with the mvn stuff as needed)
[11/09/2006 16:49] <jboynes> s/will/willing/
[11/09/2006 16:49] <kgoodson> ok,  so thats a way that we can do dummy runs
is it?  Then we publish to the maven repository when we are satisifed we
have got it right?
[11/09/2006 16:50] <jboynes> you can do dummy runs locally
[11/09/2006 16:50] <jboynes> then when you are happy, publish to the
snapshot repo for others to review
[11/09/2006 16:50] <kgoodson> ok
[11/09/2006 16:50] |<-- ant_away has left (Read error: 110
(Connection timed out))
[11/09/2006 16:51] <jboynes> when we are all happy, we can tag it and build
the release candidates to be voted on
[11/09/2006 16:52] <kgoodson> so your request for willingness to take on
this task was for the scope SDO+#SCA+DAS yes,  not just SDO?  If so I need
to get a feel for how big a task this is,  how much time do you think it
would take up?
[11/09/2006 16:52] <kgoodson> s/#//
[11/09/2006 16:52] <jboynes> just sdo
[11/09/2006 16:52] <kgoodson> ok, good
[11/09/2006 16:52] <jboynes> I volunteered for sca
[11/09/2006 16:52] <kgoodson> yes,  then i am willing
[11/09/2006 16:52] <jboynes> and I think lresende is doing das
[11/09/2006 16:52] <kgoodson> good
[11/09/2006 16:53] <jboynes> think we're done with this subject - can you
summarize (and volunteer :-) ) on the dev list
[11/09/2006 16:54] <kgoodson> yes,  i think i kind of volunteered the other
day on the list,  but I can be more specific now
[11/09/2006 16:54] <jboynes> thanks
[11/09/2006 16:57] <jboynes> are there any other subjects for the regular
[11/09/2006 17:00] |<-- jervisliu has left (Read error: 110
(Connection timed out))
[11/09/2006 17:05] <jboynes> anyone?
[11/09/2006 17:06] -->| simonnash ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/ibm/session) has joined
[11/09/2006 17:06] -->| halehM ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 17:07] <simonnash> hi.  simon N. joining
[11/09/2006 17:14] <--| monxton has left #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 17:14] <halehM> Hi. we had talked about an M2 release soon.
Should we go through JIRAs and see if there are some that are some that are
absolutely needed for the release?
[11/09/2006 17:15] <halehM> sorry... if there are some that are absolutely
needed for the release?
[11/09/2006 17:15] <--| jsdelfino has left #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 17:17] <jboynes> it would be good to do that but I don't think
we have alist
[11/09/2006 17:18] <jboynes> it should be able to create a jira report and
send the link for it to the mailing list
[11/09/2006 17:19] <simonnash> i think email is probably mor effective for
that discussion
[11/09/2006 17:19] <jboynes> that would be a good way to kick off the
[11/09/2006 17:19] <halehM> OK. How about documentation. Do we have a list
of what needs to be documented? Is there guidance for this release?
[11/09/2006 17:23] <jboynes> I don't think we have much doco if any at this
[11/09/2006 17:23] <jboynes> IIRC most of what's on the site still refers to
M1 and the old model
[11/09/2006 17:24] -->| jsdelfino (n=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 17:27] <--| gwinn has left #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 17:31] <--| jsdelfino has left #Tuscany
[11/09/2006 17:32] <halehM> should we look at what we need for M2 for docs?
[11/09/2006 17:33] <jboynes> "need" is a bit strong - we will get the
documentation we produce
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