On Sep 24, 2006, at 10:45 PM, Luciano Resende wrote:

There was some discussion in IRC about using mvn export to generate source distribution for Tuscany. I was wondering if this could could be integrated in the build process, using maven assembly plugin ? or some other plugin
that I might not be aware off..

I think there's a chicken-egg thing here. You want to use the source distro as input to the build but you want the build to generate the source distro.

You also want the source distro to correspond to a tag in svn and as part of cutting that tag you would want any version info in the tree to be set to the one for that tag. There is a maven-release-plugin which does that sort of thing but I don't know how well it works across a project hierarchy. For SCA I was planning to so the svn copy by hand and then make sure all the versions were updated (maybe with some scripts to help).


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