Thanks for that Robbie,  I'll take a look and I would hope that I can fix up
the issues you raise too.

Regards, Kelvin.

On 04/10/06, Robbie Minshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I attached a  working draft for a patch to that creates a sdo
sample distribution that includes
1. source
2. binary
3. javadoc
4. dependancy libraries

The assembly file is currently including all of these as fileSets rather
than including the module source and binary.  I did think in order to get
things working as currently there seems to be a mismatch between the
assembly plugin doc examples and the implementation.

I would recomend that this patch be improved by copying the parents
licence files etc both into the distribution zip and also into the
doc-files/ directory for inclusion in the javadoc.

I would also recommend that the overview be updated s.t it directs the
user to use the dependancy lib rather than downloading dependancies

I would be happy to complete these small remaining items but will not have
time in the next few days.


* * * Charlie * * *
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