Hello Tuscany Community! 

    Adriano Crestani and I are working together on a HelloWorld DAS "How To". I 
have uploaded what we have done so far to 

    We were using the CompanyWeb sample application to make this step-by-step 
how-to and teach how to use the DAS/SDO Features. We are not liking what this 
is becoming, as it's looking more like a user-gide/readme then really a how-to, 
so we would like to do a new proposal : 

    Use the scenario of a Shopping cart, and use it to explain more about how 
to build it using DAS to handle the persistence part of the app... 
    The topics would be: 
        Introducing the scenario and the motivation to use DAS/SDO 
        Initial Setup and environment assumptions 
        Building the application 
        - database 
                - DAS commands 
                - Configuring the XML and how to make the commands 
        Explain the DAS/SDO and how to read/get results 
    Before we change our path to this new approach, we would like to hear some 
feedback on what you guys think about this new approach.... 
Willian Yabusame Maja 

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