Does anyone have a proper solution to this?  I've been playing with
<dependencyManagement> elements in various places the parent pom hierarchy,
but nothing other than an explicit version in the dependency section seems
to change the version that's being requested.  Also a mvn help:efective-pom
on a pom file that is exhibiting the symptom does not seem to contain a
specific request for the 0.9 version in its output.  So where is this
version request coming from?


On 07/12/06, David Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Adding version element to several pom files fixed the build problem for
Since I'm new to Maven, this workaround may not be the correct solution,

Workaround:  Add version, e.g.,


to all (may be overkill) pom files referencing felix.

$ grep -rl --include=pom.xml 'felix' .

On 12/6/06, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure... i searched all our pom files and does not look like we
> have
> explicitly set 0.9.0 as the dependency version...
> Here is some more info...
> [INFO]   Tuscany Standalone Distribution
> [INFO]   Tuscany Project
> Downloading:
> [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository apache.snapshots (

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