
 This is being tracked in Tuscany-961. The resolution is tied up in
moving the DAS to some SDO 2.1 APIs.


On 12/18/06, Florian Pinel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am trying to execute a read command with a pre-set data object
model. My config object is created on the fly, and I invoke
config.setDataObjectModel(namespace). I also declare the SDO types
with XSDHelper.INSTANCE.define(inputStream, namespace);
The read command reads the result from the DB successfully, but then
fails when trying to look up the result SDO types.
Here's the portion of the DAS source code that throws the exception
(just before the line that calls  SDOUtil.registerDataGraphTypes(g,

private void createDynamicRoot() {
        Type root = SDOUtil.createType(typeHelper, getDefaultURI() +
"/DataGraphRoot", "DataGraphRoot", false);

        List types = SDOUtil.getTypes(typeHelper, typeURI);
        if (types == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("SDO Types have not been
registered for URI " + typeURI);

Florian Pinel

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