Ok, I had a momentary mental block that 0.1-pre-spec-SNAPSHOT is a ... SNAPSHOT. So the difference in prefix of the versions "0.1-pre-spec-" and "1.0-incubator" will have no bearing when done from the top and I'll just get the latest of the trunk of all; which we know can be out of sync.

Sorry before hand if I'm dwelling on the obvious, but I hope his may help others too:

To compile and work on the latest kernel, I need to build these projects from the trunk: (they are part of pre-spec-changes)

And for non-kernel

Maybe we can have profiles for this like -Pall to make it easier ?

To be safe if I'm working between these two, do I need to keep a separate repo?
Or does the prefix difference help out there ?


Jeremy Boynes wrote:
On Jan 29, 2007, at 6:14 AM, Rick wrote:

Just want to make sure I understand the consequences of compiling from the java root with -Pall.

As I understand it, there is no guarantee that that will work. If you do that you are trying to build using current SVN head from independent modules - not only within SCA but also SDO and DAS.

As I understand it this shouldn't be an issue and all should compile and test. The only consequence now is that the projects under sca/kernel will not be used by the other projects for the build and mvn unit test.

This is true at a module level but in a reactor build if two versions of a module exist then mvn will resolve to the latest one. Because you include everything with -Pall, everything will resolve to the latest unstable trunk and downstream modules are likely to fail.

If working on the kernel I need to really do nothing different for eclipse, except that it probable makes sense to have a separate workspace for the kernel if I'm also working on some of the other Tuscany parts.

Working on components other than the kernel, I need to import into Eclipse only those projects not under sca/kernel and to debug the kernel code import the code under branches\pre-spec-changes.

I have no idea what you need to do in Eclipse, but in general you should be referencing the snapshot binaries of SDO, DAS, SCA Kernel and such as defined by the dependency version, associating the appropriate source code with those binaries.


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