Jim, are you going to update java/sca/services, particularly the idl
sub-project ? The contribution service uses that to process wsdls and that
project still have references to parent.

   public WSDLServiceContract load(
       CompositeComponent parent,
       ModelObject object, XMLStreamReader reader,
       DeploymentContext deploymentContext) throws XMLStreamException,
LoaderException {

Luciano Resende

On 2/24/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Feb 24, 2007, at 5:42 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

> There's still a reference to parent Component in the builder API e.g.
> +    public ServiceBinding build(Component parent,
>                                  ServiceDefinition serviceDefinition,
>                                  LocalBindingDefinition
> bindingDefinition,
>                                  DeploymentContext deploymentContext)
> Can we remove that as well? The URI for the parent is in the
> DeploymentContext already.
Sure - I'll do it since I'm on a roll tossing unneeded stuff out...


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