Hmm, yes, I suppose I spoke too soon. I should have looked more
closely at the fact that @Service(ServletHost) is indeed exposed.
Thanks Jim and Sebastien

On 3/7/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ignacio Silva-Lepe wrote:
> I have a couple of questions about the http.jetty service.
> First, I am assuming that this service is intended to be kept around and
> not deprecated, but let me know if this is not the case.
> If that is the case, then I wonder what the intended usage pattern is
> supposed to be. I do see a JettyService interface but (1) it only
> a getServer operation but other operations, like registerMapping, are
> exposed, and (2) this interface is not exposed as an sca service the way
> the Store service is, for instance.
> If there's interest, I would like to volunteer to upgrade http.jetty
> service
> and
> make it a @Service that exposes a few more of the implemented
> assuming that this an agreeable direction to take it in.
> Thanks

If that helps, I have been able to use the Jetty service in the
integration branch as a ServletHost to expose Web Services with the
Axis2 binding. To see this working you can take a look at the
sca/extensions/axis2/samples/helloworld-ws sample.


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