On Mar 20, 2007, at 12:43 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

Was there a separate DISCUSS thread on this. Looks like an interesting idea but I'm having trouble digging through the volumes of e-mail and the two sentences below don't help me understand the depth of the issues. Is there one thread I can look at or is it really a mosaic of different threads? Sounds more like a revolution.

There was a lot of discussion on the interface/POJO issue around this time last year when we switched from an interface model generated by SDO from XSD to the current POJO one. I share Meeraj's reluctance about rehashing the same issues especially when there is so much new stuff to do.

Most of the recent discussion has been about "componentization" which I think is a very different issue and applies irrespective of how our model is written or deserialized. I tried to separate that and keep the VOTE thread focused on the interface issue but wasn't very successful :-(

Dave made some good points on API stability that again apply irrespective of the interface/POJO issue - changing interfaces are just as much of a stability problem as changing POJOs.

These probably warrant threads of their own.

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