On Mar 22, 2007, at 9:43 AM, Simon Laws wrote:

On 3/22/07, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think this issue will be raised again and again every time new members
come to try Tuscany trunk, and this is very bad for a project that is
to build a community. Also, trying to quote an article Jim Marino sent
Martin Fowler about Continuous Integration [1] :

"Automated environments for builds are a common feature of systems. The
world has had make for decades, the Java community developed Ant, the .NET community has had Nant and now has MSBuild. Make sure you can build and
launch your system using these scripts using a single command.

A common mistake is not to include everything in the automated build....."

also, this has been already discussed in various other threads [2] [3].

Luciano, you are quoting this entirely out of context. Fowler is talking about *continuous integration*. We are discussing a developer build. Continuous integration should build everything but be done in a specific environment or set of environments that is separate from the development machine where the code was written. This separation is essential for verification.

Another issue is the difference in testing types. On a dev machine, most tests should be unit-style tests (some integration testing is useful). In a continuous integration build, tests are more numerous and include integration-style testing which generally tend to exercise entire code paths.

Also, extensions modules are developed and evolved independently. There should be no coupling between these independent modules, e.g. core and Axis. If they are not independent of other modules, they should be grouped and built together accordingly.

Perhaps what you want is to set up a continuous integration system?


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