Thanks Mario. That was indeed a silly error :) Anyway, Simon is right on the runtime id, the error was in the SCDL that was posted.

Thaks for your help, we need to add some more functionality on the discovery side of things. I will keep you posted, may be we can work together on some of the stuff?


From: "Antollini, Mario" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: RE: Discovery update
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:30:55 -0700


I did not realize the problem was there :(

I tried it and you are right.

Thanks a lot for that!

Now it works w/o broadcasting the message.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Discovery update

On 3/27/07, Antollini, Mario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Meeraj,
> I finally got JXTA working! The problem was that the message being
> was null...
> In the code for sending the message was:
> public int sendMessage(final String runtimeId, final XMLStreamReader
> content) throws DiscoveryException {
>         if(content == null) {
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content id is null");
>         }
>         PeerID peerID = null;
>         if(runtimeId != null) {
>             peerID = peerListener.getPeerId(runtimeId);
>             if(peerID == null) {
>                 throw new DiscoveryException("Unrecognized runtime " +
> runtimeId);
>             }
>         }
>         String message = null;
>         try {
>             StaxUtil.serialize(content);
>         } catch(XMLStreamException ex) {
>             throw new DiscoveryException(ex);
>         }
> ....
> So, note that the StaxUtil.serialize(content) method is not assigning
> the returned value to the message.
> Besides that, remember that when you try to contribute the SCDL (via
> browser), there is an exception since it is trying to send the message
> to the peer called "slave" and there is not such peer in the network.
> Therefore, I did another modification to the sendMessage method in
> to send the message to all the peers (just to see if it works). So,
> working piece of code is:
> public int sendMessage(String runtimeId, final XMLStreamReader
> throws DiscoveryException {
>         runtimeId = null;
>         if(content == null) {
>             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content id is null");
>         }
>         PeerID peerID = null;
>         if(runtimeId != null) {
>             peerID = peerListener.getPeerId(runtimeId);
>             if(peerID == null) {
>                 throw new DiscoveryException("Unrecognized runtime " +
> runtimeId);
>             }
>         }
>         String message = null;
>         try {
>             message = StaxUtil.serialize(content);
>         } catch(XMLStreamException ex) {
>             throw new DiscoveryException(ex);
>         }
> ....
> Note that I removed the final keyword to the runtimeId parameter in
> order to turn it to null in the first statement of the method (to
> broadcast of the message).
> In addition to that I just modified "StaxUtil.serialize(content);" for
> " message = StaxUtil.serialize(content);"
> And that is all I did and after pressing the "Contribute SCDL" button,
> saw in both slaves' console window a system.out I added to the
> processQuery(ResolverQueryMsg queryMessage) method in
> So, now it is important to know why the runtimeId arrives with a value
> equal to "slave". I had already tried to figure it out and sent you an
> email, remember? I am copying it here just in case:
> ....
> Now, I was trying to understand where the target name comes wrong from
> and I think the problem could be that the AssemblyServiceImpl class is
> setting the wrong id in the include method:
> .....
> // create physical wire definitions
>     for (ComponentDefinition<?> child :
> type.getDeclaredComponents().values()) {
>           URI id = child.getRuntimeId()
> .....
> Since, it finally invokes the marshallAndSend(id, context), which in
> turn invokes the
> discoveryService.sendMessage(id.toASCIIString(), pcsReader) method,
> which ends up in an invocation to
> with the wrong runtimeId (i.e.; slave)
> So, as you can see, it seems that the problem comes from some place
> outside of the scope of JXTA and I am not experienced enough to deal
> with such issue. Do you have any idea where the "slave" id is being
> wrongly set?
> ....
> Ok, I hope it is all useful and if you need any further help, please
> not hesitate to contact me.
> Best regards,
> Mario
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Meeraj Kunnumpurath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Discovery update
> Thanks Mario. If you have any more queries, pls post to the list.
> Ta
> Meerj
> >From: "Antollini, Mario" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: RE: Discovery update
> >Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 07:53:39 -0700
> >
> >Meeraj,
> >
> >You were right, it is not working yet. I am still struggling with it.
> >I'll come back to you as soon as I have any news about it.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Mario
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Meeraj Kunnumpurath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 8:16 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: Discovery update
> >
> >Mario,
> >
> >By hard-coding the runtime id of the target peer, did the message
> >actually reached the intended peer? i.e. did you see any log messages
> on
> >the console widow of slave1 or slave2?
> >
> >Thanks
> >Meeraj
> >
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From: Antollini, Mario [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> Sent: 23 March 2007 21:02
> > >> To:
> > >> Subject: RE: Discovery update
> > >>
> > >> Meeraj,
> > >>
> > >> I got the JXTA working for sending messages. However, what I
> > >> did was just finding the error and patching it, so I just
> > >> modified a line of code and got to know that the problem was
> > >> not on the dissemination of messages by JXTA but on the peer
> > >> name being used to dispatch the name to.
> > >>
> > >> So, I saw that the problem was that the sender of the
> > >> message was trying to send a msg to a peer called "slave"
> > >> (as seeing in the following exception that was being
> > >> displayed on the browser after pressing the "Contribute
> > >> SCDL" button):
> > >>
> > >> Unrecognized runtime slave
> > >>
> > >> What I did was just commenting a line of code out and
> > >> hardcoding the name of the runtime in the
> > >> JxtaDiscoveryService class (when the runtime is registering
> itself):
> > >>
> > >> /**
> > >>      * Configures the platform.
> > >>      *
> > >>      */
> > >>     private void configure() throws DiscoveryException {
> > >>
> > >>         try {
> > >>
> > >>             //String runtimeId = getRuntimeInfo().getRuntimeId();
> > >>            String runtimeId = "slave";
> > >>
> > >>             configurator.setName(runtimeId);
> > >>             configurator.setHome(new File(runtimeId));
> > >>
> > >>             if (configurator.exists()) {
> > >>                 File pc = new File(configurator.getHome(),
> > >> "PlatformConfig");
> > >>                 configurator.load(pc.toURI());
> > >>       ;
> > >>             } else {
> > >>       ;
> > >>             }
> > >>
> > >>         } catch (IOException ex) {
> > >>             throw new DiscoveryException(ex);
> > >>         } catch (CertificateException ex) {
> > >>             throw new DiscoveryException(ex);
> > >>         }
> > >>
> > >>     }
> > >>
> > >> After doing that, the SCDL was successfully processed.
> > >>
> > >> So, as you can see, the problem was not completely solved
> > >> (the runtimeId is hardcoded). But, at least I found why the
> > >> messages were not being delivered.
> > >>
> > >> Now, I was trying to understand where the target name comes
> > >> wrong from and I think the problem could be that the
> > >> AssemblyServiceImpl class is setting the wrong id in the
> > >> include method:
> > >> .....
> > >> // create physical wire definitions
> > >>     for (ComponentDefinition<?> child :
> > >> type.getDeclaredComponents().values()) {
> > >>           URI id = child.getRuntimeId()
> > >> .....
> > >>
> > >> Since, it finally invokes the marshallAndSend(id, context),
> > >> which in turn invokes the
> > >> discoveryService.sendMessage(id.toASCIIString(), pcsReader)
> > >> method, which ends up in an invocation to
> > >> JxtaDiscoveryService.sendMessage(...)
> > >> with the wrong runtimeId (i.e.; slave)
> > >>
> > >> So, as you can see, it seems that the problem comes from
> > >> some place outside of the scope of JXTA and I am not
> > >> experienced enough to deal with such issue. Do you have any
> > >> idea where the "slave" id is being wrongly set?
> > >>
> > >> Best regards,
> > >> Mario
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From: Meeraj Kunnumpurath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 12:39 PM
> > >> To:
> > >> Subject: Re: Discovery update
> > >>
> > >> Mario,
> > >>
> > >> I will try to be as detailed as I can, if you need further
> > >> info, pls ask.
> > >>
> > >> Tuscany code structure is roughly organized into kernel,
> > >> runtime, services and extensions. There are other modules
> > >> like plugins, console etc, which are not relavant in the
> > >> context of this discussion. There is also a contrib module,
> > >> where we keep artifacts that are not ready to go, it is
> > >> important in the context of this discussion because the JXTA
> > >> impl is currently in contrib, because of some issues we are
> > >> investigating with some patented code with BouncyCastle.
> > >>
> > >> tuscany-spi in kernel, contains the key model classes and
> > >> service provider interfaces for Tuscany. Some of these are
> > >> implemented by core in kernel and some of them are
> > >> implemented outside kernel. DiscoveryService is an SPI
> > >> defined in tuscany-spi that is used by the runtime fabric
> > >> for enabling communication between multiple profiles
> > >> participating in a logical SCA domain. A profile is
> > >> basically a group of services, both system and user, that
> > >> are managed together. Multiple profiles make up a logical
> > >> SCA domain.
> > >> You can run profiles in the same VM or different VMs.
> > >>
> > >> Discovery service provides basically one method,
> > >>
> > >> 1. Targeted delivery of a message to a given profile.
> > >>
> > >> However, the JXTA impl, also provides a listener for
> > >> receiving those messages and so does the JMS impl. JMS is
> > >> not a real option for us, as long term we want to enable
> > >> multi-fabric profiles in the same domain, Java and
> > >> C++ for example. This is where JXTA fits in nicely.
> > >>
> > >> Profile names are important, as the JXTA implementation of
> > >> the discovery
> > >>
> > >> service uses the profile names as logical endpoints and use
> > >> them to map to JXTA peer ids. The JXTA implementation uses a
> > >> peer group specific to the
> > >>
> > >> domain in which the profile is participating. The domain
> > >> name is defined in /etc/ of the profile.
> > >> We do that to restrict communication between the profiles
> > >> only in the same domain. We use PDP (Peer Discovery
> > >>
> > >> Protocol), for maintaining a view of all profiles available
> > >> in the domain and PRP (Peer Rsolver Protocol) for sending
> > >> directed messages. PDP seems to work fine, however, PRP is
> > >> not delivering the messages. I have posted this on the JXTA
> > >> list and I can forward you the emails if you want (I will
> > >> forward it to this list)
> > >>
> > >> Here are the key areas you can look at,
> > >>
> > >> /java/sca/kernel/tuscany-spi: For the discovery service
> abstractions.
> > >> /java/sca/kernel/core: Usage patterns for discovery service
> > >> /java/sca/contrib/discovery/jxta: The JXTA impl of discovery
> > >> /java/sca/runtime/standalone/server.start: The basic shell
> > >> for starting a tuscany server standlone
> > >> /java/sca/console: For a browser based console (it is pretty
> minimal
> > >> now)
> > >> /java/distribution/sca/demo: A maven assembly for creating
> > >> an installation image for three feedrated profiles master,
> > >> slave1 and slave2. In the src/profile directory you will
> > >> find the teh different profiles and their
> > >>
> > >> system SCDLs. Currentlly, they use JMS, however, I have
> > >> commented component definitions for JXTA.
> > >>
> > >> you can start all three profiles in one vm using
> > >>
> > >> java -jar server.start.jar master slave1 slave2
> > >>
> > >> or
> > >>
> > >> java -Dtuscany.adminPort-2000 -jar server.start.jar master
> > >> java -Dtuscany.adminPort-3000 -jar server.start.jar slave1 etc.
> > >>
> > >> You can access the console using
> > >> http://<server>:7000/scdlForm. As I said it is pretty basic,
> > >> I am sure it will evolve :)
> > >>
> > >> Once again, great to have you. You can send the patches to
> > >> the list, I will test it and apply it.
> > >>
> > >> Ta
> > >> Meeraj
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> >From: Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> >Reply-To:
> > >> >To:
> > >> >Subject: Re: Discovery update
> > >> >Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:39:59 -0700
> > >> >
> > >> >On Mar 20, 2007, at 7:26 AM, Antollini, Mario wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> >>Meeraj,
> > >> >>
> > >> >>I am willing to help you. However, keep in mind that I am
> > >> neither a
> > >> >>Tuscany developer nor a committer. Therefore you must give
> > >> me a task I
> > >> >>can actually work on.
> > >> >>
> > >> >>In case you do write to me, please be very specific since I do
> not
> > >> have
> > >> >>much experience with Tuscany's code.
> > >> >>
> > >> >>Looking forward to your reply.
> > >> >
> > >> >I'll leave technical details to Meeraj as he's the one fighting
> the
> > >> >transport issue, but any contribution is welcome.  For code
> changes,
> > >> the
> > >> >best way is to send a patch generated with "svn diff" once you
> have
> > >> the
> > >> >change working - either sent as a text attachment to this
> > >> list, or for
> > >>
> > >> >larger changes attached to a JIRA.
> > >> >
> > >> >Welcome aboard!
> > >> >Jeremy
> > >> >
> > >> >
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> Hi Mario

Looking back at Meeraj's SCDL posted last week he set all the runtimeIds
"slave", e.g.

   <component runtimeId="slave" name="AddServiceComponent">
       < class="calculator.AddServiceImpl"/>

Is this why your test is trying to send  messages to  slave rather than
slave1. To get mine to work I went in an edited the SCDL and changed
to slave1.



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