Super - Thanks Frank.

This may be something I should be brining up to the SDO Specification guys,
but it seems like Ecore's way of separating
the EAttributes and the EReferences into separate lists will
be more efficient from the perspective of of looking for various
class members.

For instance sometimes I'm only interested in the EAttributes, and with the EMF API I have access to only the List containing the EAttributes, so the time it takes
to iterate through this list is shorter than the time it takes to iterate
through all the EStructuralFeatures, which it seems like what I would be doing with the

Any thoughts?

Could we perhaps add something to the Tuscany SDO implementation that
gives us the ability to iterate through the isDataType() members of the SDO object
and also the non isDataType() members.

In addition, Ecore has the eObject.eClass().getEAllEReferences .... or EAttributes... giving us the inherited members as well. Is this what the SDO object returns
when calling


except in return in effect all the EStructuralFeatures?

- Ole

Frank Budinsky wrote:
In SDO there's a list of properties (simple and complex combined) that you can get like this:

List<Property> properties = userSDO.getType().getProperties();

If you are interested in the simple ones, you need to do something like this when iterating through the list:

if (property.getType().isDataType()) ...


Ole Ersoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/29/2007 01:59:05 PM:


I asked this question a little differently before referring to EMF's
and I'll try again by restating what I wish to do.

Suppose I have an SDO instance....

Class name UserSDO,

instance userSDO

I would like to get  a list of all the non-complex object members of

So for instance if userSDO has some String members
like userName and userPassword

I would like a list of these.

Do I just use regular java reflection or does
the Tuscany SDO API have something similar to
EMF's EClass.

If I were using EMF I could
EClass eClass = userSDO.eClass();

Then to get the members I would do
EList<EAttribute> attributes = eClass.getEAttributes();

If I wanted the complext object references I would

EList<EReference> references eClass.getEReferences();

Does the Tuscany SDO API have something similar?

- Ole

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