This change is independent of the package renames and can be done
(by me) in parallel to Venkat's work on the renaming.

The key purpose of making this change is not to add the sample itests,
but to remove the junit dependencies from the samples that we publish
in the distribution.  I only added the sample itests because of a
previous comment on this thread from SimonL that the automated junit
testing of these samples by the full build should be retained.

Perhaps the two activities can be separated:

1. Remove the junit dependencies from the published samples
2. Add the new sample itests that use junit

Are you OK with putting the first of these changes into 0.90?


ant elder wrote:
I like the idea of being able to test all the samples with itests,
especially if that could go as far as also testing the webapp samples.

The main worry i have with this is that its getting really late to get it
into the 0.90 release. The package renames have just started and thats going
to take most of today and maybe tomorrow to finish up and get everything
cleaned up and working again, and we can't easily make and test any code
changes while thats going on. I was really hoping to keep changes after then
to be only required bug fixes and really small changes like text updates to
the readme's etc.

What do others think, should we try to get these sample itests into 0.90?


On 5/11/07, Simon Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I didn't get any feedback or comments on these changes, so I am
going to assume that I am on the right track and I will continue
with the conversion of the rest of the samples.  If anyone doesn't
agree with this, please let me know asap.


Simon Nash wrote:

> I was able to solve this problem using the "wrapping" approach
> without needing to add any src/test code to the jar file.  I did
> the following to convert implementation-crud:
> 1. Created an implementation-crud module under sca/itest/samples.
> 2. Created a pom for this module that uses <testResources> to copy
>    the contents of samples/implementation-crud/target/test-classes.
> 3. Removed src/test/ from samples/implementation-crud.
> 4. Created src/test/crud/ in
> sca/itest/samples/implementation-crud.
>    This "wrapper" JUnit test case is as follows:
>      package crud;
>      import junit.framework.TestCase;
>      public class CRUDTestCase extends TestCase {
>          public void test() throws Exception {
>              CRUDClient.main(null);
>          }
>      }
> 5. That's all!  sca/itest/samples/implementation-crud gets the
>    crud.CRUDClient class from <testResources> and all the extension
>    implementation classes from the sample-implementation-crud
>    dependency.  There's no need to add any src/test classes to the
>    jar file.
> I have created TUSCANY-1264 for this change and I have attached a
> patch to convert the simple-bigbank and implementation-crud samples.
> These samples and itests build and run with maven but I haven't built
> a new distribution to verify that the sample ant scripts still work.
>   Simon
> Simon Laws wrote:
>>> I've checked in changes to allows the provided jar to be run (and
>>> built).
>> Outstanding is the issue of including classes from
>> src/test in the sample jar or alternatively moving the application
>> classes
>> to src/main. This effect of this currently is that
>> binding.echo
>> databinding.echo
>> implementation.crud
>> Don't work out of the box with
>> ant
>> You have to do
>> ant compile
>> ant
>> If we don't want to ship junit in the binary distribution we should
>> them. The binary distribution ships the src for the Junit tests b.t.w.
>> I'm going to take a quick look at why maven isn't packaging the
>> Simon
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