
This really belongs in something like a
osoa.org sdo design spec discussion, but
it's not up yet, so I hope it's ok to post here.

As I'm fine tuning the LDAP DAS Design Guide
I find myself saying this alot:

"an SDO Type that is the semantic equivalent
of an XSD Complex Type"

If I were discussing EMF and XSD
I would just say "EClass".

Just seems like SDO would map a lot cleaner
to other typing systems if it included
the semantics of Complex and Simple types.

Seems like it makes the API more efficient too,
since it becomes natural to keep simple and
complex types in separate lists.  I'm guessing
that doing this upfront within the core SDO API
would make most products derived from the SDO API
more efficient since developers would become
accustomed to dealing with the distinction.

Anyways - just my two cents.  I figured I'd throw
it out there for general awareness
in case others were interested.

- Ole

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