There's been talk in the past about removing the requirement for things like
script and dynamic languages to require a .componentType side file to define
the services, references and properties when they can't be introspected.

I'd really like to get support for this into the next release so have
started having a go at it in r540132. Its a bit rough to start with so that
anyone feels free to suggest or implement alternative approaches. I'm happy
to rewrite it based on your comments or for others to help, at least now
there's a couple of working testcases to show whats needed to be supported.

The testcases where this is used are in

The main changes are to include a dynamic field on the
o.a.t.s.assemblyInterface and Operation which enable dynamic
Interfaces and Operations to
match any other Interface or Operation. One thing that isn't so good with
the dynamic Operation is that  it needs to keep track of which operation was
called, so right now thats in a ThreadLocal, there must be something better,
maybe having the operation name in the Message?

Another change is the addition of a ComponentPreProcessor interface which
implementations can implement so the  assembly CompositeBuilder  calls out
to the implementation impl before wiring up the component.

One thing I can't see how to easily support is a dynamic component having a
reference wired to another dynamic component, as you need some sort of proxy
object for the reference which has the possible methods on the proxy
interface. I guess for languages which support something like a "no such
method" function the proxy object could use that, but we'd need to be
injecting some language specific proxy object supporting that for the
reference. That  would be a fun thing to look at if anyone is interested...


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