I think its actually a bug in the jsonrpc binding that its using the
component self reference, but that aside, this still seems odd to me. Just
because a particular binding is on a service how can it be sure that that
same binding will work as a reference?  Some  binding's don't support
references, some have different attributes for services or references, on
some binding's the URI may include the reference name so this would end up
including $self$ in the URI.


On 5/18/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The self references are created to support the
ComponentContext.createSelfReference() in a consistent way as regular

In your case, if the binding.jsonrpc is declared under the component, then
the component can only be assessed over jsonrpc binding (not even SCA
binding). And the component will be exposed as a json-rpc service. So
invoking the json-rpc reference handler is the correct behavior from the
client side.


----- Original Message -----
From: "ant elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 9:32 AM
Subject: CompositeBuilderImpl.createSelfReferences creates a $self$
reference using the service binding

> Debugging TUSCANY-1292 it looks like one part of the problem is that
> CompositeBuilderImpl.createSelfReferences creates a new self reference
> each service on a component and adds every binding from that service
> the new reference. That results is a JSON-RPC reference provider get
> which seems strange to me but I don't completely understand what the
> createSelfReferences is trying to do. Does anyone understand this more
> know if this is the correct behaviour or not?
>   ...ant

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