On 8/9/07, shaoguang geng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Today, I found in respond to each request, Tuscany instantiate new one
> class for each. I tried binding.ws, it works as well.
> SCA1.0 does not specify instance management of a component, but I remember
> J2EE does not mentioned such things for EJB and servlet, it should be
> managed by the containers.
> So here comes my question: is it a good idea to make a great deal of
> component instances in Tuscany, or we might control it to act as singleton?
> ---------------------------------
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Hi Shaoguang

SCA defines a concept of scope for a component, for example, if you take a
look at the Java Annotations and APIs spec you will see an annotation @SCOPE
defined which takes the values,


This gives you some fairly coarse grained control over how the runtime will
manage instances of Java components. For example, if you mark your Java
implementation as having @SCOPE(COMPOSITE) you should see that only one
instance is created within the composite.

Hope that helps


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