You could use some of the other project existing pom[1] as guidelines.
The poms are all inheriting the necessary configuration to run the
tests from the parent pom [2] and it looks like below :

               <!-- surefire plugin configuration -->
                        <argLine>-ea -Xmx128m</argLine>


On 8/9/07, venu reddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks, I am planing to create my own folder (venu) in java/sca/itests  and
> write few sample tests. Can any  one please post if  you have any guidelines
> on writing pom.xml (\java\sca\itests\venu\pom.xml)  to include my sample
> tests for maven to build and execute.
> Thanks,
> Venu.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A 'wish' changes nothing. A 'decision' changes everything! ---- Anon

Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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