I'd like to restart the discussion on supporting JAX-WS annotations
for the Java-to-WSDL mapping.  This is needed to fix TUSCANY-2033,
and has been the subject of various user requests from time to time.

The scenario that I want to fix is a service with a Java interface
that was generated from WSDL by running the JAX-WS mapping (e.g.,
the wsimport tool from the JAX-WS RI).  The generated service interface
and associated classes (e.g., exceptions, data objects) will have
JAX-WS and JAXB annotations that are equivalent to the information
contained in the WSDL.

The runtime processing for a Tuscany client talking to a Tuscany
service is as follows:

a. (client and service) Generate an equivalent WSDL interface from
   the Java service interface and associated classes.
b. (client and service) Generate equivalent XSD types from the
   Java service interface and associated classes.
c. (client and service) Use the Web Service stack to create a
   service definition from the output of a and b.  This is done
   by the Web Service binding.
d. (client) Transform the Java datatypes passed on the service
   invocation into an XML infoset (as defined by b) for marshalling
   by the reference binding's Web Service stack.  This is done by
   the databinding framework.  In Tuscany today, the XML infoset
   would be AXIOM for use by the Axis2 binding.
e. (client) Pass the XML infoset created by d to the service
   definition created by c.  This is done by the Web Service binding.
f. (service) Receive the invocation data in XML infoset form from
   the service definition created by c.  This is done by the
   Web Service binding.
g. (service) Transform the XML infoset (as defined by b) passed
   on the service invocation into Java classes that can be passed
   to the service business logic.  This is done by the databinding
h. (service) Invoke the service business logic.
i. Any result or exception is returned to the client using the
   inverse of steps d to g.

My understanding is that the current state of the Tuscany code
for these steps is as follows.

a. Broken, does not understand JAX-WS annotations.
b. Most or all of the code needed is currently present in the
   JAXP transformer and the exception mapper, but some information
   that it needs (derived from JAX-WS annotations) is not being
   passed to it.
c. Would probably work if the right outputs from a and b were
   passed in, but this is not certain as it depends on whether the
   Axis2 stack that we are using has any limitations here.
d. Probably working if the correct output from b is available.
e. Probably working.
f. Probably working.
g. Probably working if the correct output from b is available.
h. Working.
i. Probably working once the above steps have been made to work.

Tuscany also has standalone tools to do Java-to-WSDL and
WSDL-to-Java mapping.  These currently use code that's completely
separate from the above code in the runtime.  Ideally as much
code as possible should be shared between tools and runtime.
Specifically, the code for steps a and b should also be invoked
by the tools, to guarantee consistent processing.  This means
that we need a module structure that makes it easy for the
tools to pull in this code without too many other dependencies.

For databindings other than JAXB (let's use SDO as an example),
steps b, d and g need to be pluggable.  Currently only steps
d and g are pluggable, so b needs to include a framework that
allows other databinding transformations to be plugged in.

For WSDL to Java processing, something similar is needed, but
I won't make this post twice as long by spelling out all the
steps here.

In terms of making progress on TUSCANY-2033 and similar use cases,
I think the the starting point is to work on steps a and b and
at least get them into an 80% state so that we can start to run
end-to-end scenarios through all the steps.  We could then go back
later and get them to a state of 100% perfection.

I have been thinking of having the Tuscany runtime call code in
CXF to do the 80% exercise for step a, perhaps only as a temporary
prototype and learning exercise until we have all the necessary
code in Tuscany.  I think I understand how to do this, but I don't
yet feel able to do a "from scratch" implementation of step a.

I'd welcome other thoughts on this and any offers to help with
steps a or b.


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